Thursday, May 11, 2017

The Simple Woman's Daybook - May 11, 2017

For Today...

Quick note: I have two free Blue Apron deliveries for the first two people who contact me. Either two or three meals - with all the ingredients needed to make them - are included.

Email me at annmarierink (at) hotmail (dot) com (using the appropriate symbols and no spaces) if you'd like to receive a coupon for a free weekly delivery from Blue Apron.

Now...onto The Simple Woman's Daybook:

Looking out my window...there are some beautifully colored clouds as the sun is rising.

I am thinking...about spending time at the nursing home on Wednesday. The activities director ordered in Chinese food that eight of the residents wanted. So, we set up two tables for the residents (four people at each table) with white linen tablecloths and a plant in the center.

Having Chinese take-out together.

The girls brought some of the items we bought for them in China and set up a display for the residents to see before the meal.

They had Chinese food, a beverage, and fortune cookie. After lunch, some went back to their room and some listened to Sophia play some songs on the piano.

This resident used to play the accordion, and
enjoyed listening to Sophia play a variety of songs.

It was a nice way to spend part of our day.

I am thankful...that I am able to volunteer and share my time with others who seem to enjoy talking with me. It makes me feel like I'm spending my time well and letting seniors know they are valued.

I'm also thankful that we received a grant so that we could do a project for the seniors on Monday. In conjunction with the Ladies Tea, we are getting 24 roses (12 red and 12 white) to put in vases and then bought items for filling 30 gift bags each with small five items. The girls assembled those yesterday.

Sophia and Olivia putting together some of the items
in the gift bags for the ladies at the nursing home.
They'll receive perfume or soap; something to decorate their room;
a room deodorizer, a floral sachet, and a small container of Kleenex.

One of my favorite things...listening to the variety of birds singing throughout the day. When we first moved here there weren't nearly as many birds - both in terms of number and diversity - than there is today.

Up at the top of the tree is a Brown Thrasher.
It has an unusual song that sounds like a mockingbird.
It will sing a phrase twice and then move onto another sound.
The song is so varied and unique.

It makes me so happy to see the birds sitting in the trees, finding food to eat here, and raising their families.

I am creating...nothing at the very moment. This weekend, though, I'll be learning how to do Saori weaving and making a Sami bracelet.

I am wearing...a cardigan and pajama pants.

I am reading...Winsome Womanhood by Margaret E. Sangster. Even though this book was written in 1900, there is still sound advice on how to conduct one's life - from being a girl to senior woman.

I am hoping...that the geese and wood ducks that we saw on Tuesday evening come back to nest at our farm.

Look closely - two geese are taking off from the pond.

I am learning...about PSEO courses, helping plan my daughters' high school years, and preparing transcripts for them.

Sometimes I miss the easier days of preschool and early-elementary homeschool education. At ninth grade, things get a lot more serious and complicated in terms of planning for their future.

In my kitchen...we're still using up food so that there is more room for things I want to freeze starting in May and going through the Fall. It's a good feeling to be able to use up food and recycle the packaging...and then see the extra space in the freezer, refrigerator, and/or cupboard.

In the school room...we are trying to wrap up some subjects before the end of May. For some other ones, we'll be homeschooling throughout the summer. Some of the activities that I wanted to do this past year we never did. I may try to get those things done during the summer so we can start out fresh next year.

In my garden...I saw the first blossom on a strawberry plant.

Strawberry flower.

The rhubarb is growing. Even lettuce from last year regrew this year.


I've never had that happen before, so it was a pleasant surprise.

Board room...this month I want to start making some memory gifts using the fabric from my parents' clothes. I have bags of clothing in my closet that is taking up space in my office that I'd like to use up. My goal is to transform the clothing into something useful for our family, my sister, and brother as well as nieces and nephews so they have something to remember their grandparents by.

On Pinterest, I started a Memory Gift board with some ideas. I'm really struggling with this, though, because I have one chance to use the fabric and 13 gifts to make.

Shared Quote

A moment from my day...the crabapple tree is in full bloom now. The bees are visiting the blossoms and it sounds like the inside of a beehive as one walks under the tree.

The colors of the flowers and blossoms on the tree are so vivid against the green grass. It's such a beautiful time of the year.

Closing Notes....thank you for coming by and visiting.


Row. said...

I Love what you are doing for the seniors! your tree is blooming beautifully!

Rita said...

That has to be so rewarding to visit the seniors. I'm sure they appreciated the baskets!
Huge blooming tree! I can imagine it must sound like a beehive when you get close. (I'll pass.) Both those creative classes sound like fun. Can hardly wait to see what you make. Have a great weekend. :)