Monday, January 17, 2011

Muffin Tin Monday - Sea Life

This week's Muffin Tin Monday includes a variety of vegetables, fruit, seeds, and meat. It was served with a simple dinner of noodle soup and homemade biscuits.

The fish on toothpicks were made by attaching them to the back of a dimensional sticker.

Tomorrow is Olivia's 8th birthday and she asked to go to Underwater World at Mall of America (she wants to go there each year for her birthday).

The girls also have been studying about the ocean and sea life. Of particular interest are the unusual fish and aquatic life at the deepest part of the sea.

Although the girls won't be seeing some of the fish they found intriguing - such as the angler fish, lantern fish, and vampire squid - they will see some interesting sea life that they have been learning about.  Underwater World will bring to life what they read in the books we've been reading...a great way for them to learn!

Looking down at the muffin tin.
Top row: celery, Spanish peanuts, crackers, pickles
Middle row: meat stick slices, carrots, roasted pumpkin seeds, raisins
Bottom row: orange slices, sunflower seeds, meat stick slices, orange slices

We're looking forward to see the fish and other sea life tomorrow, and the sea life theme Muffin Tin Monday reminded us it's less than 12 hours away!

The muffin tin was almost empty by the end of dinner.
Everything was gone except the raisins as well as
some of the pumpkin and sunflower seeds.


Ludicrous Mama said...

What a great variety of food! So yummy!

Love the custom picks! I love to see stuff like that! So many people say they can't find picks, or that they need to go out and get some! Make them! Super cute and easy, and much cheaper!

My daughter loved making her own flag pick for a castle craft we did, and it would be so easy to do for MTM too! (She colored a piece of paper and I cut out a rectangle and folded it in half and glued it onto a toothpick! Ta-Dah!)

lisa9999 said...

What a great tin. It all looks yummy and your home made picks are super.

Anonymous said...

Very cute theme. Have fun at the MOA!

Anonymous said...

I love your picks! I hope you have a great time at the museum.