Saturday, April 15, 2017

40 Bags in 40 Days Update - Days 30-40

Forty days went by very quickly for the 40 Bags in 40 Days challenge. By the 15th day of the challenge, we had thrown away, recycled, or donated 31 bags. (See Days 1-7 and 8-15.)

From the 16th-29th days, we got rid of 12 more bags of items, bringing the total to 43 bags of donations, recycling, or garbage.

During the final days - days 30-40, I was focusing on the Blogging from A to Z  Challenge. Each day of the challenge, I was going through homeschooling files and keeping the photocopies and clippings I wanted, and recycling those I didn't need, want, or would use. Also in the files were many books.

Files beginning with "M" (above) and after going through them (below). 
Recycling is on the left and files I want to keep are on the right.

From April 1st-15th, I recycled 13 bags of photocopies and clippings; and donated 3 bags of books. So, 16 bags out of the house.

Files beginning with "N" (above) and after going through them (below). 
Recycling is on the left and files I want to keep are on the right.

All together, we have let go of 59 bags by donating, recycling, or tossing them.

Even though we exceeded the 40 bags goal, we're going to keep going because it feels great to keep reducing the amount of stuff in the house and leaving only the things that we will use, need, and/or enjoy.

I'm hoping that by the end of the Blogging from A to Z Challenge that I'll have another 14 bags of recycling or donations. That will be a tremendous amount of space available in my home office that I haven't had for over a decade (since starting homeschooling).

Interested in reading the posts for the A to Z Challenge? Here they are so far:

So far, I have done eight posts:
A is for Alphabets and Alphabet Books
Bears, Bread, Books, and Bodies
Cats, Character, and Chinese Inventions
Death, Deer, and Discovery Gardens
Earth Day, Easter, and Etiquette
Forests, Foxes, and Frogs
Games, Gardening, and Grains
Hermit Crabs, Health, and Homeschooling
Iguanas, Insects, and Iris Folding
Jamestown, Jokes, and Journaling
Kingfishers, Kites, and Kumihimo
Leadership, Lighthouses, and Lions
Maple Syrup; Martin Luther King, Jr; and Migration
Nature, New Year's Eve, and Nutrition

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