Thursday, December 21, 2017

2018 Reading Plan

I signed up for a swap on Swap-Bot called "2018 Reading Plan." There are seven questions for the swap that I thought I would share here as well as with the partners to whom I'm assigned.

Have you started your Reading Plan for 2018? 

I started putting together a reading plan for 2018 once the swap was assigned.

Will you use prompts? List at least 3 of yours.

Typically I don't use prompts when I read a book. I do type things that I want to remember - either on my computer or as a blog post.

That being said, I looked for prompts that I could use during the upcoming year. Below are three that would be good for me to reflect upon after reading a book:

Describe the most interesting thing you learned from the book. 

=> Describe how you can use what you learned from this book in your own life.

=> Describe anything or anyone you would like to know more about after reading the book. What about this person/event intrigued you? What more would you like to know?

How many books is your goal for 2018?

I want to read at least 12 books in 2018. The first 12 books that I will start with include:

All the Light There Was by Nancy Kricorian

Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants by Robin Wall Kimmerer

An Eagle Named Freedom: My True Story of a Remarkable Friendship by Jeff Guidry

The First Phone Call from Heaven by Mitch Albom

Girl in Hyacinth Blue by Susan Vreeland

Golden Boy by Tara Sullivan

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari: A Fable About Fulfilling Your Dreams Reaching Your Destiny by Robin S. Sharma

Signs and Seasons by John Burroughs

The Pig in the Pantry: and Other Homeschool Tales by Rose Godfrey

So B. It by Sarah Weeks

The Underneath by Kathi Appelt

The Women of Brewster Place by Gloria Naylor


Do you keep a record of books read? If so what method do you use?

I have a list of books that I've read on GoodReads. There are other books that I've read that I haven't put on the list - typically they are ones that I check out of the library and don't bother putting on GoodReads.

Do you buy books - read e-books - or use your library?

At this stage in my life, I use the library for reading books. Rarely will I purchase a book to read for my own use since the library system in Minnesota generally has the books that I want to read.

Because we homeschool, there are books that I purchase for Sophia and Olivia for their education. These books are used for an extended time (which would make borrowing them from the library difficult) and/or are ones that I know they would reference in the future.

Do you like mailing book exchange swaps on Swap-Bot?

For many years, we used to purchase books - the majority were from secondhand stores. When my daughters were younger, I had a bin system set up where there was one large bin of books per month. I would put the books on their shelves for a month. When the month was over, the books would go back in a bin and the next month's books would come out and be put on their shelf.

Some of the books tied into that month - holidays and seasons - so they were timely to what was happening or what we were celebrating. This worked well for our family - it was like having our own personal library system. They looked forward to the changing books each month, and seeing familiar ones during specific months each year.

During the past year, we have been going through our book collections and donating books we no longer want or need to the secondhand store. The last time we brought in books, we filled a huge laundry cart they had at the store. I think there were something like 28 bags of books - over 500 books.

So, I would not participate in a mailing book exchange swap on Swap-Bot because we are trying to get rid of books...not add to our collection.

Are you a member of Goodreads or other book clubs? 

I have a GoodReads account that I will add books to that I want to read as well as books that I have read.

1 comment:

  1. Goodness, even when I read more before my wonky eye problems I didn't keep track or have a record--although I probably should have. You have a lot to do with the home schooling and all, too. Good luck with your new reading plan. :)


Thanks for taking time to read my blog and share your comments. Have a great day!