Thursday, December 21, 2017

Winter Bucket List (December 2017-March 2018)

This past Fall I created a bucket list for things I wanted to do during Fall and up to Winter Solstice. We did quite a few of the items on the list which was fun. For those we didn't do, hopefully we can do them next year.

So, it's time to create a Winter Bucket List - from the Winter to Spring Solstices. I used a variety of sources for ideas as well as a bucket list that I did back in 2012. Some of the ideas are to:

Every month from December through March
- Volunteer at the nursing home.
- Shop at different co-ops each month
- Make a recipe each month that my parents, grandparents, or great-grandparents made that I haven't made in a long time (or ever).
- Take a monthly hike to the same locations; and see the changes during this time period.
- Read by the fire in the woodstove.
- Do family movie night.
- Volunteer at Northwoods Humane Society.
- Visit a new library in our county.
- Read one book per month.
- Help Sophia and Olivia create resumes and LinkedIn profiles.
- Set up shadowing experiences for each of the girls based on their potential career interests.
- Start to get out of debt completely so all expenses are paid with cash. Explore using Financial Peace University as guidance.
- Create a source (or sources) of extra income.
- Learn Latin and Greek root words.
- Watch the movies I got a long time ago from the Spiritual Cinema Circle.
- Walk on a labyrinth with the eventual goal of walking on as many of them as I am old.
- (Start on January 1st:) Learn a new word every day, for a year.
- (Start on January 1st:) Read for 20 minutes every day for a year.
- (Start on January 1st:) Put three dollars away every day for a year. Each month, invest the money in a Roth IRA.

- Drive around and look at the lights at night.
- Make a quilt.
- Make/decorate a gingerbread house.
- Go to Christmas Eve service.
- Have a fun and memorable time celebrating Christmas.
- Celebrate the 12 days of Christmas (December 25th-January 5th).
- Celebrate Sophia's 17th birthday.
- Set goals for the new year.
- Start a new tradition on New Year's Eve.

- Go to a Chinese restaurant on New Year's Day.
- Visit Century College to get more information for Sophia about getting her general courses done before transferring to a private college.
- Attend the Lions winter convention in Bloomington.
- Do something special for Epiphany (January 6th).
- Go ice skating.
- Go sledding.
- Have an "inside picnic."
- Repair quilts that belonged to my parents.
- Do a winter family photo.
- Go to a museum.
- Do the Whole30 again.
- Practice yoga.
- Finish doing the Konmari method on the house.
- Create two new unique window star patterns.
- Make new suet mixes for the birds.
- Celebrate Olivia's 15th birthday.
- Do a sewing project that can be entered in the county fair.
- Make snow angels and then come inside to have hot chocolate.
- Sew fleece-lined mittens using felted sweaters.
- Read The Complete Life's Little Instruction Book by H. Jackson Brown Jr.
- Begin writing a memoir.
- Help with the annual Lutefisk dinner.
- Go to Vinterfest (with a "V" and not a "W").
- Celebrate my brother's birthday and two of his children's birthdays.
- Do a final assessment for the WellTogether program at the YMCA.

- Dine by candlelight.
- Do something special as a family on Valentine's Day.
- Take an art class.
- Take a jewelry-making class.
- Do "Make-Your-Own-Appetizer" Night.
- Make homemade pizza.
- Go winter camping in a camper cabin at a state park.
- Learn to knit and create a project for the county fair.
- Learn more crochet stitches and create a project for the county fair.
- Take Sophia and Olivia to firearms training so they can do trap shooting through 4-H this summer.
- Complete the 52 Weeks of Baking cookbook that I started several years ago and just need to format before it's printed.

- Help Sophia with her second blood drive, collection drive/service project event.
- Go bowling.
- Celebrate Paige's birthday.
- Make a pie on National Pi Day.
- Make a new Irish recipe for St. Patrick's Day.

1 comment:

  1. Now that's a huge winter bucket list! Best of luck with it because it sounds wonderful. :)


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