Friday, December 15, 2017

Countdown to Christmas - Days 11-15

Printed a Family Reflection to do sometime this month. There are some good points to reflect upon - like: life lessons, transformations, travels, unexpected blessings, parenting evolution, and tender remembrances.

I'm continuing to use the December calendar of ideas from Mothering Arts.

For the 11th-15th of December we did the following Christmas-themed activities:

11 – Monday

Made a Cinnamon-roll Christmas tree for breakfast.

Baked Christmas cookies so the girls could take some to the homeschool co-op. We made:
- Gingerbread cookies
- Thumbprint cookies. (My mom used to make these every Christmas and fill the centers with red and green frosting.)
- Seven-layer bars with Andes mints instead of butterscotch chips.

Olivia filling the thumbprint cookies with frosting.

Helped set up the Lions blood drive at the Scandia Community Center for a half hour, took the girls to the homeschool co-op, and did Pilates.

12 – Tuesday

The girls had their final day of the homeschool co-op before the winter break. Olivia had to give to give a speech in her Speech class and they are required to dress up when they are presenting. She wore a dress.

I had my Pilates lesson while the girls were at the homeschool co-op.

Mailed Yoshiko’s gift (birthday and Christmas) and sent her a card that popped up. 

Each side had a different image which was neat. I hope she likes the card and gifts.

13 – Wednesday

We didn't do anything special related to Christmas or any of the holidays today. Seems like the day went by too quickly.

14 – Thursday

We went to the Lions Club's Christmas dinner. Sophia played the harp during the cocktail hour and beginning of dinner. After that, she joined us for dinner: salad, prime rib, baked potato, vegetable medley, roll, and peppermint ice cream for dessert.

It was a nice evening with the induction of three members (I put together the membership packets since I'm the Membership Chair of our club) and a program put on by about a dozen of the members.

15 – Friday

Olivia had her final speech therapy session before the winter break. Paige took her Christmas shopping and out to eat at Taco Johns in the afternoon.

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