Sunday, March 31, 2019

My Favorite Photos from March 2019

These are some of my favorite photos from March. The month started out with a big snowfall on the 2nd. The sky was so blue and provided a great contrast to the snow. This is a tree in the backyard.

The snow covered the berries on one of the plants in the front yard. The cedar waxwings and robins like to eat these in the Spring.

This is the front of our home. You can't even see it when the heavy snow weighs down the pine boughs.

As I was taking photos around the yard, this beautiful eagle soared overhead.

The snow is so high now that it almost is reaching the top of this four-foot tall fence.

I liked how the sun was shining through this oak tree. This is in the East pasture. We had all the pine trees transplanted about ten years after we moved here. They were in another pasture where the previous owners had started a little nursery of trees. We moved them before they got too big and their roots tangled. They provide a good visual block as well as a home for the wildlife.

The horses don't mind this weather too much. Bailey is wearing her penguin horse blanket. She wears it when the weather gets cold in the late-Fall/early-Winter until it gets to be above 30 degrees at night regularly in the Spring.

Hoss doesn't need a blanket. He seems to do really well without one. His fur is much thicker than Bailey's fur.

On March 8th, Sophia and I went to the humane society so she could play the harp while I pet some dogs. There were several who needed extra attention. LuLu loved listening to the harp music. She was very attentive.

On the 16th, I noticed the dogs were resting together. Aspen is using Cooper's hip and back for a pillow.

On March 16th, I made a SAORI woven scarf. This one is different from other weavings I've done in the past. This time I use a color theme and no roving (to add bumpy texture). I'm happy with how it turned out.

I learned some new skills and techniques this time which was fun. I ended up with a close-to five foot scarf during the three hours I was weaving. If you look close in the photo below, Eenie (the cat) is sitting to the right of the scarf under the blanket.

On St. Patrick's Day we had "shamrock shakes" with vanilla ice cream, milk, mint flavoring, and green food color. The girls topped their shakes with whipped cream.

On March 30, my sister, Sophia, Olivia, and I participated in a puzzle competition at the library. In 44 minutes we put together a 550-piece puzzle.

We were in second place. The team that won finished the puzzle in 41 minutes and 21 seconds. So close! Last year we were in first place, but it took us longer (about 56 minutes). We improved our time this year by quite a bit...and this year's puzzle was much harder than last year's puzzle!

Today I worked on doing the March clue for the Minnesota Quilters' Mystery Quilt. Each month we get clues to create quilt blocks based on fabric that was cut back in January. On April 1st, the next clue will be sent out.

A final picture for the month was taken today as well. It is of the front yard of our home taken from across the street standing in the ditch. I had to do that so I could angle the camera up to get the tops of the trees.

This is quite a contrast from the third photo in this post. It's the same grove of pine trees...except with no snow on them. What a difference a month makes!


  1. Nice frosty pictures from outdoors and cozy and warm from indoors. I like your March!

  2. That shot of the eagle is amazing!

    Love seeing your horses. The snow was really high this year. Stayed cold so there was no melting between snowfalls most of the winter.

    That scarf is beautiful!

    I just worked on a jigsaw puzzle for the first time in many years. Was such fun!!

    Quite a contrast between the tree photos, yes. Generally too windy up here for much snow to accumulate on the trees. :)


Thanks for taking time to read my blog and share your comments. Have a great day!