Sunday, March 31, 2019

A View of Where I Live

On the last day of March, it is rather bleak outside. There's not much color since the snow just melted about a week ago (though there are still patches of snow in spots). Within a month or so, though, there will be more color as the early-Spring flowers emerge and the trees start budding. It will look quite different. Until then, this is gives an idea what early-Spring in Minnesota looks like.

The east pasture is flooded from heavy snowfalls and then rain before the ground has thawed. This is the first time we have had a rather substantial-size pond in this pasture. This is one of two pastures for the horses, so there area is rather limited now.

The West pasture is having its own challenges too. These pictures show the Southwest (left side) and Northwest (right side) of the pasture. Never has this pasture been this flooded. We have a small lake (this is about half of the area - the other half is in the Southwest pasture (which we don't use) and in the neighbor's field. 

The horses are unable to access this pasture (what there is of it) since the water goes into their run that leads to this area. I can only hope this dries out soon. The frogs, though, came out this past week so I've been enjoying hearing them singing throughout the day and into the evening. The red-winged blackbirds, too, are singing. 

Onto drier land now. I'm standing across the street in the ditch to take this photo so I could get the full height of the trees. They have easily doubled in size since we moved here in 1995. They tower over our home and provide a great wind barrier when the wind is coming from the North.

Walking down the driveway and back to our home, this is the side that faces west. So the window on the first floor where the shutters are is the dining room. Many evenings when we eat dinner, we can see beautiful sunsets from there.

The little section that juts out is the mudroom. It was added on before we moved in, but after the original house was built in 1890. On top of the roof is a birdfeeder. We get such a variety of birds visiting the feeder, and many of my close-up photos of birds are taken from this window while the birds at the feeder.

We have been experiencing an oddly-cold kitchen this year. I'm not sure what is going on with it. We did have a fire at our farm this past May (May 5, 2018). Even though the siding was removed and replaced since it melted, the insulation was not removed. I'm wondering if it became somehow damaged during the fire. There is a distinct temperature difference between the rest of the house and the kitchen as well as master bedroom.

So, while making dinner tonight, the girls brought in the portable electric heater so the little dogs could stay warm. Danny and Scooby, especially, liked sitting in front of it while I made dinner.

One of Cooper's favorite spots is looking out the window in the living room. The chair is covered with a blanket so his paws don't get it dirty. Often times he comes in with mud on his paws since the backyard isn't yet finished from last year's repairs. (Once the ground is thawed and it is dry, it will be regraded and sodded.)

At any rate, he loves watching the birds at the feeder and is very protective of it. He doesn't like when the squirrels eat out of it. Cooper also has an issue with the pheasants for some reason. They are rather big as they walk by the window. Maybe he thinks they are some type of threat to the other littler birds and wildlife.

While I'm at it, I might as well take photos of all the dogs. This is Aspen sitting on her favorite couch. The blanket should be covering the cushions. However, she moves it. She likes to sit on the cushion itself and not blankets. The other little gray mattress is for Danny. Sometimes he likes to sit up high on the couch and watch what is happening.

This is a lighted cabinet that belonged to my parents. It has many of their items in it that I inherited when both passed away in 2012 and 2015. I've added some of my own items to it that I don't want the pets to break.

Each item has a memory and story. The black pitchers in the back are from England in 1988 when my parents and I visited my sister when she was studying abroad during college. The two teapots are from China when we adopted Sophia and Olivia in 2001 and 2003.

The green glass bird belonged to my parents. My grandma had similar glass birds - a blue one (that my sister has) and a purple one (that I have). The silver salt and pepper shakers belonged to my grandma on my mom's side.

Last, the textured bowl with grapes on the outside and copper/gold on the inside is from my parents. They would put homemade cranberry sauce in on Thanksgiving each year.

This was kind of a hodge-podge of photos showing some of our home from the outside; our dogs in different rooms of our home; and a piece of furniture holding special memories.

1 comment:

  1. It really does look soggy out there for the horses. We did have so much snow this winter. Since our summers have also been hotter maybe it will dry up pretty soon.

    I loved seeing all the dogs. They each have their own personalities.

    It sure does sound like the fire did something to the insulation. :( Maybe it can be fixed.

    Enjoy your week. :)


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