Saturday, March 31, 2018

Something that Made Me Happy This Month - March

For the "Something That Made Me Happy This Month - March" swap on Swap-Bot, the goal of the swap is to tell three partners something that made me happy this past month (e.g., an event I  attended, a book I read, a movie I  watched, a new person I met).

One of the things that stands out is spending time at Northwoods Humane Society. Sophia plays the harp while Olivia and I pet the dogs waiting to be adopted. They all responded so well this past month.

There were large and small dogs of various ages.

It has been a great program that Sophia started a few years ago.

The dogs do significantly better than the cats out of their kennels. They seem to be able to relax a bit more than the cats.

Another thing that made me happy was seeing a raptor at the One Stop Donation Drop that Sophia coordinated; and that Sophia, Olivia, and I spent time setting up, overseeing the event, and cleaning up.

The raptor was from the Wildlife Science Center and did a fantastic job staying calm during the entire six-hour event. Its wing was injured in an accident, so it came to the WSC for recovery and now it used for education since it can't be safely released into the wild. It's being taken care of quite well, and the bird is healthy now.

Another highlight of the One Stop Donation Drop and Blood Drive was collecting 15 units of blood - or the potential of saving 45 lives.

Another way that we helped saved lives this past month was packing food for Feed My Starving children. The children who receive the meals through FMSC gain weight and the necessary nutrition to thrive rather than struggle. When we heard how many children would receive meals because of the two-hour packing event, it made me very happy!


Something that makes me happy is that the girls still enjoy visiting Franconia Sculpture Park to see the large-scale sculptures. They also practice their photography skills while we are hiking around the park. This is something we've done now for well over a decade.

A final thing that made me happy during March was working with seniors at the nursing home to create 20 welcome baskets for incoming residents.

We started this idea a little over a year ago. Each of the baskets that the residents make is given to a new resident when s/he moves into the nursing home. It's a nice way to let the new resident know that s/he is thought about and welcomes to their new home.


  1. What was the permanent injury to the raptor that it couldn't be released again?
    So many memories in one month. I like that the new residents get a welcome basket. What nice idea. :)

  2. Hi Rita, The broad-winged raptor had a wing injury that didn't heal correctly so it couldn't fly. Without flight, it couldn't watch for and capture prey. Ann


Thanks for taking time to read my blog and share your comments. Have a great day!