Saturday, March 31, 2018

My Favorite Pictures of the Month - March

As I looked back on the pictures I took during March, many of the ones that stood out for me were ones that represented thoughtfulness and/or service.

We had multiple snowfalls during March and many times Olivia shoveled the deck, patio, and a pathway to the car. This helped the dogs so they didn't get stuck in the snow and us so that we didn't get snow in our shoes.

Sophia shared her baking skills and made several desserts for Easter. These are muffins that are frosted to look like Easter bunnies. The inside is filled with a chocolate piece of candy and sprinkles.

The girls and I packed food at Feed My Starving Children. We did this with the Lions and Leos from our district.

We also had a fun time when we made an Asian-theme meal with my sister (the girls' aunt).

We were happy to see wildlife return now that it is Spring (though it doesn't feel like it is Spring with all the snow on the ground and the cold temperatures). The Sandhill Cranes have captured our attention as they return and look for food on the snow-covered ground.

On St. Patrick's Day, we entered a competition as a family at the library. There were about 10 teams total competing to finish a 550-piece puzzle in the quickest time. We finished the puzzle in less than 1 hour.

Early in March, I had foot surgery (the second one in four months). This one was an easy and quick one - a tendon release of the second toe. I was awake during the surgery which was interesting.

The podiatrist drew a happy face on my second toe when he was done with surgery.

We kicked off the month with coordinating a One Stop Donation Drop and Blood Drive. Sophia coordinated the blood drive and recruited 15 donors - which will save 45 lives.

Olivia spent a good percentage of the afternoon knitting hats for newborns on a round loom.

I started out the month by making a new pattern for a window star. It actually combines two different window stars to create a new pattern. 

So, creative arts, volunteering, being of service, a successful surgery, winning a puzzle contest, wildlife, enjoying a meal with a family member, and the culinary arts - all were highlights during March. These photos are some of my favorite pictures which reminds me of these highlights.


  1. It is so cool that you all volunteersed together!! The bunny cupcakes looks yummy!!


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