Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Wednesday Hodgepodge - June 21, 2017

1. The first day of summer rolls in later this week. What are ten things you'd put on your list of  quintessential summer activities? Will you try to manage all ten this summer?

I put together an ABC of Summer Fun list at the beginning of June. There are 26 activities on the list of things to do between June 1st and August 31st.

Five of the things we've already done; and quite a few are coming up soon.

Summer goal that we did already: make homemade yogurt.

Some of the things on the list that we'll aim to do in the next couple of weeks:
- Go to the Science Museum - there's an exhibit about Pixar Films and the science behind them.
- Go to the Minnesota Zoo - there's an Australian exhibit there.
- Go swimming in a lake at a county park.
- Go on a nature tour (we will be doing this when we travel to Arizona).
- See a new nature center (we will be doing this when we visit two national parks next month in Arizona).
- Go to a county fair.
- Go to a festival we haven't been to yet.
- Fly a kite.
- Attend programs for teens and adults at the public library.
- Go to the Minneapolis Institute of Art.

2. Do you collect seashells when you're at the beach? What do you do with them once you get them home?

In the past, I've collected shells when I've been at beaches. I would bring them back home to show Sophia and Olivia.

Shells on a beach on St . Padre Island.
(Taken on April 30, 2010.)

Some of them were incorporated into the girls' art projects and others were used when they played in the sandbox. It was like having part of the ocean in their sandbox.

What's your favorite place to comb for seashells?

Since I don't regularly look for seashells, I don't have a favorite place to visit.

How many of these 'best beaches for hunting seashells' have you visited? Which one would you most like to visit?

Calvert Cliffs State Park (Maryland), Jeffrey's Bay (South Africa), Sanibel Island (Florida), Shipwreck Beach (Lanai Hawaii), Ocracoke Island (North Carolina), Galveston Island (Texas) and The Bahamas

I've only been to Sanibel Island. If I could pick any of the other places to visit, I would choose Jeffrey's Bay in South Africa. I have no idea what it looks like or what to do there. However, it's on only one of two continents that I haven't been to yet in my life (the other is Antarctica).

3. At a snail's pace, shell out money, come out of your shell, go back into your shell, drop a bombshell, happy as a clam, clam up...which 'shell' phrase could most recently be applied to some event or circumstance in your life? Explain.

Out of the phrases noted above, shell out money would be the best one to describe what has been happening recently and will be happening soon.

It seems like we've had one expense after another - mainly a lot with health care issues. We're also experiencing increased costs with homeschooling as the girls are getting into courses and activities that have more substantial fees.

Olivia on the bars at gymnastics lessons.

Forthcoming are two foot surgeries for Sophia to address bunions she has on both of her feet. At 16 years old, her toes are edging towards 40% which is highly uncomfortable for her to walk on. Am hoping that by doing the surgeries (one in July and one in September), that her feet feel much better.

4. What summer activity do you dislike? Why?

I don't enjoy watering the gardens because I have to open the cellar doors, walk down uneven steps, and go into the basement. Then I have to drag the hose up the stairs, go back down the stairs and turn on the water, and then go back up the stairs. I have to drag the hose all over the place to water the gardens.

Sophia and Olivia adding compost to
the strawberry garden on May 25th.
We've been battling with the grackles who seem to find
some of the ripe strawberries before we do.

There was a 21-day drought in which I had to water the gardens or we'd lose everything. For the past week or so, there has been plenty of rain so that has been sufficient.

5. What's something you see as quickly becoming obsolete? Does that bother you?

It seems like reading books - holding physical books - is becoming more rare. People are so connected to their devices and reading online. I like to have a book in my hands when I read it versus reading a digital version of it.

Going to the library to check out books has always been something I've enjoyed. Walking up and down the aisles - pulling out books that look interesting - is something that I can't do if I'm reading everything online.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

Yesterday I got a call that the girls were awarded free teen memberships for the summer to the YMCA. I am SO excited!! They have been wanting to go swimming at the Y ever since it opened one year ago. There is a lap pool, vortex pool, and water slide that they particularly want to use.

Getting the free memberships truly is a bright spot of the week. I can't wait to tell them when they come back from 4-H camp!


  1. I'm still a huge fan of the library and always have piles of books checked out. I still listen to books on CD when I take long car trips and really enjoy that too. I have a kindle and will read there sometimes, but mostly I want the book in my hand. Enjoy using the Y this summer!

  2. The girls will love their Y passes. How fun! My daughter's family have membership and they use it a lot. Your daughter's foot issues sound painful. It's hard to see our kids suffer. I too love real books, but dropping a kindle on my face as I fall asleep is sure less painful than dropping the actual book.

  3. How wonderful for the girls!

    Oh I think your least favorite chore beats my least favorite chore. Is there no easier way?

    Have a happy summer!

  4. I'm in complete agreement with your answer to #5! Yay for free memberships to the YWCA! That's awesome and definitely reason to celebrate! Have fun!

  5. I like the things you are teaching your children and that a lot of your summer fun is also learning.

  6. What a great summer you and the girls will have! What wonderful news about the teen memberships to the Y!

    Real books -- I have a tablet and have a number of books on it, but it will never take the place of real books in my life. Libraries too ... such magical places.

    And your garden watering ... no outside faucet at your place? Might be worth finding a handyman with plumbing skills to install one.

  7. We've had a lot of medical expenses this year as well, so I literally feel your pain. Prayers for smooth surgeries for your daughter. Poor thing. That hurts my heart for her.

  8. Going to the bookmobile in the summer was something I did each week and checked out stacks of books. I still prefer a book to kindle, but sometimes it's more convenient. I do not envy the task you have with that water hose. Be careful on those steps.
    So glad for your girls and the swimming.

  9. Being lazy was the only thing that I indulged in this summer...and my partners in crime were my daughter and son! It was interesting to read your summer time trivia in a Q & A format!
    Here in India, we now have rain filed monsoon days and back to school. So missing the summer break already!
    Anagha From Team MocktailMommies
    Rewind - Back To School

  10. Our kids always do swim lessons at the Y and we're contemplating getting a membership just so we can use the pool in the summer.

  11. Wow, an exhibit by Pixar would be awesome. Have fun. Have a great week.

  12. You have a great program for the summer ! The girls will enjoy it !

  13. I hope that Sophia's feet are going to be okay. She is in my prayers.

    I prefer real books over reading devices, too. It was how I first started reading, holding a real book, with real pages, that unmistakable smell of adventure. Nothing bits a real book. And the best part, unlike the Kindle, a real book never has to be recharged. It is always ready. :)

    Have a blessed weekend.


Thanks for taking time to read my blog and share your comments. Have a great day!