Monday, March 20, 2017

Happy Homemaker Monday - March 20, 2017

The weather.....has been more moderate the past week - in the 40s. It's gradually warming up again. All the snow is gone lots of brown grass. It's kind of a dismal-looking time of the year. In about a month, though, there should be more colors with green grass and spring flowers.

Right now I am....finishing taxes. This has taken me much longer than anticipated. Will be relieved to have them done and to the accountant.

Thinking....about an ambulance and police car that went by our home on Sunday. It's a rural area, so things like that are unusual. It went in the same direction as the ambulance, police car, and emergency truck went last week. Either it's the same person who isn't doing well or another situation. Either way, I hope the people are okay.

The Animal Dialogues.

Still working on this book. Didn't have a lot of time to read it last week since I finished The Art of Exceptional Living and Paying for College without Going Broke.

On my TV.....I haven't watched any t.v. since Thursday evening when I watched Grey's Anatomy and Scandal. The latter show is not the genre that I typically watch. It's a bit violent for me. Yet, the storyline is intriguing and makes me wonder how things and people are all connected in a convoluted way.

Favorite blog post last week (mine or other) one that I wrote about what we made for St. Patrick's Day. We enjoy celebrating holidays - major and minor ones. Even though none of us are Irish, there was green food we enjoyed and green crafts to decorate our windows.

Something fun to share....we went to the Minnesota Zoo last week and had a fun time there.

Blog hopping (newly discovered blog)....I've enjoyed reading My Abundant Life these past couple of weeks. She shares ways she lives a frugal - yet fulfilling - life; and has included a couple of recipes recently of things I want to try - like Miracle Spray and homemade yogurt.

On the menu for this week....we are continuing to use up what we have on hand which has been working out well.

Homemade chicken soup with carrots, celery, and onions plus
bits of chicken and egg noodles.

We are eating leftovers so that no food goes to waste.

Made larger batches of coleslaw and
an all-green salad that we'll be eating early in the week.

Sophia made a huge batch of cinnamon rolls, cinnamon-raisin rolls, and parker house rolls. The recipe came from my Grandma who was a baker. The rolls will be many of our breakfasts this week. The parker house rolls we'll be using with a BBQ meat dish (beef and pork) that I froze and will re-heat this week.

On my to do addition to homeschooling:

Monday- Sophia's allergy shots (she gets 3 at one time since she has 21 allergies), cat sitting for my sister, and taking Olivia to gymnastics.

Tuesday - homeschool co-op for both the girls and harp lessons (Sophia). While the girls are at the co-op, get our 4-H club t-shirts (wasn't able to do that last week), go to the accountant to drop off taxes, return library books, and go to Wal-Mart. After harp lessons, take Olivia to the bank to set up her Emergency Fund account; and to get bank statements for her account and Sophia's accounts.

Wednesday - Continue to work on 40 Bags in 40 Days and 52 Weeks to an Organized Home (the focus is on cleaning the basement this week); take Sophia to see her allergist for her annual check-up; cat sitting for my sister; taking a walk at a new park that I haven't been to in Stillwater; and going to Joanns to get felt for the 4-H club to make a club banner.

4-H Banner Committee with the layout/sketches
of the club banner.

Thursday - Go to the Wildlife Project Bowl practice and help Sophia coach the team. Finish cleaning the basement and washing the walls.

Friday - Olivia has speech therapy in the morning and a gymnastics lesson in the afternoon. Continue updating the Barn Quilt Trail website. Cat sitting for my sister and a walk at a nearby park in the afternoon. We will be getting our free Blue Apron box which I'm SUPER excited to try!

Saturday - Pick up cheese order for the 4-H fundraiser; maybe get a new mattress for one of the beds; and then do some crafting for the county fair in the afternoon.

Sunday - Go through boxes of photos and choose which ones to keep. This is on my list again this week. It is such a big project that I keep putting it off. My goal is to have it done by the end of the month so it doesn't keep dragging on.

In the craft basket....still working on projects I've been wanting to do for a few weeks now, like the potholders, Christmas table runner, and flannel quilt.

The potholders I haven't started yet - just have the fabric and pattern.

The Christmas table runner I just need to quilt the three layers together and hand-stitch the perimeter (using the blanket stitch).

The flannel quilt, I need to purchase the backing, sew all three layers together, and tie it (using yarn ties).

Am hopeful that I will be able to complete them this week.

Looking forward to this week....taking a couple of walks at parks that I haven't been to yet.

Looking around the house....I'm very happy with cleaning off the kitchen counter - with the exception of a few plants.

Almost the entire counter - with the exception of about 4" from the edge - had plants - Christmas cactus, African violets, and aloe vera. All have done well in this area - it's a sunny, southern window. Unfortunately, we didn't have a lot of counter space.

On Saturday, Sophia wanted to make rolls and said, "I don't have space to roll out the dough." So, I removed all the plants from the counter and sill and washed everything down. It looked bare...yet there was SO much space.

Also - because we've been using what we have on hand - I have more space in the cupboards and was able to put away the big glass jars of flour, sugar, and homemade Russian tea mix that we make.

Both Sophia and Olivia were excited about how open the counter is and how they now have space to work in the kitchen.

From the camera....a couple pictures of two of the dogs. Scooby was getting bored, I think, with being in the kitchen while we made rolls, cleaned, and did laundry on Saturday. I like how his tongue curls up when he yawns.

Cooper has been enjoying sitting the chair in the family room so he can get a better view out the window. He loves watching the squirrels and birds. Mostly the squirrels.

To me it looks like he's kind of smiling in this picture. I think he sees something that is intriguing outdoors.

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  1. A very busy schedule as always for you. I, too, have a photo-sorting project to work on - print and digital photos. I also have camcorder tapes and slides to have converted to a more modern form of media. It's going to be quite a project.

    Have a great week!

  2. Love the pics of the pups!! Have a great week!!

  3. Goodness what a busy week and mind! Have a good time.

  4. Just reading your list made me tired! I like the cheerful prints of the material you are going to use. Cute dogs. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  5. Wow looks like you have a very busy week ahead of you, I hope it all goes smoothly. I also wonder about where ambulances are going I say a little prayer for the person in need. We live right around the corner form a fire station but we hardly hear any sirens...things that make you go hum??? I hope you enjoy your week and find some time to relax.

  6. Looks like a busy week ahead! All of that baking sounds so yummy!! Grandma's recipes are the best. We just started Blue Apron recently and had our first week and I'm loving it! Hope you will too.

    Blessings on the rest of your week. xoxo


Thanks for taking time to read my blog and share your comments. Have a great day!