Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Visiting Seniors - Countdown to Christmas - Day 12

On the 12th day of the 12th month of 2012, we took poinsettias and Christmas cards to two seniors. One was living at an assisted living facility about 15 minutes north of our home; and the other in a care center about 20 minutes east of us in Wisconsin.

Sophia and Olivia outside the door of the first person to whom we
brought a poinsettia and Christmas card.

The first person we visited ended up not being there. So, we left the poinsettia and card by her door so that when she returned it would be there. Sophia thought it would be a nice surprise when she came back to her apartment.

Then we headed over to Wisconsin to another care facility. The person we were visiting (Betty) was in the nursing home section.
Sophia and Olivia outside the care facility 
after our visit with Betty.

We had a nice visit, even though we had not met before. We talked about her family and her life many years ago. Betty and her husband operated a full-service gas station in a nearby town for decades. This was the kind that an employee would fill your gas, check your oil, and wash your windshields for you as you waited comfortably in your car.

She shared how she use to work at the gas station by filling the gas tanks. "The tanks could be under the license plate...near the motor in the front of the the trunk...lots of different places."

Betty's mother immigrated from Norway when she was only four years old. There was a picture of Betty as a baby sitting on her mother's lap.

We told Betty that we would be coming back to help with activities after the new year and that we would come back to visit if she would like us to do that. She said she would like us to come we will.

As we drove home we were enjoying the warmer weather and melting snow. Less than 75 feet from our home was a beautiful male pheasant walking on the side of the road. I slowed down the Jeep, Sophia turned off the Christmas music, and I rolled down the window so we could get a clearer view of him.

Pheasant that was near our home.

He turned around a bit for us - almost like he was showing us his feathers - and stayed on the side of the road for a long time. Then a van approached from the opposite direction and he flew off to a brush pile in the field. We were happy to have been able to see a pheasant so close. The colors and patterns on the feathers were stunning.

Seeing the pheasant was a nice way to end the morning of bringing holiday plants and cards to seniors.

1 comment:

  1. How did you pick the seniors if you didn't know them?
    Everyone has a story to tell. she sounds like an interesting lady.
    Lovely, proud pheasant! Nice shot! :)


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