Thursday, September 13, 2012

Homeschool Mother's Journal - September 13th

In my life this past week...

I continued working on the 100 Days to a Better Me challenge. Before Labor Day, it was a bit easier since homeschooling and the girls' activities had not all started yet. Now, it's a bit more difficult to do everything I hoped to do.

In our homeschool this week... 

We came back from a trip to Lake Itasca where the Mississippi River begins. Sophia and Olivia saw another part of Minnesota where they had not been before.

Olivia jumping from stone to stone 
at the Mississippi Headwaters. 
Underneath the rocks is a dam which separates 
Lake Itasca from the start of the Mississippi River.

The girls began taking classes again at the homeschool co-op (both take piano lessons and ceramics; Sophia also takes cooking; and Olivia takes art fundamentals). We began doing all the subjects and activities that I had planned starting this past Tuesday - during the second week of September.

Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share.

If possible, start homeschooling a few weeks ahead of time by gradually introducing some subjects and activities. By the first day of the homeschool year, the transition back from summer to fall isn't as overwhelming.

I am inspired by…

The beauty of nature - especially as the colors of the leaves are changing.

One of the many flowers at a rose/flower garden
in St. Cloud, Minnesota.
It was one of the stops we made on the way to Lake Itasca.
(Taken on September 4, 2012.)

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…

We are excited to see friends visiting from Massachusetts. Last year, Sophia, Olivia, and I visited them and we had a great dinner together in Boston. This year, we are going out to eat and then spend time at the farm. The girls already know what card and board games they want to play.

My favorite thing this week was…

By far, the favorite thing we did this week was spend time at Lake Itasca, and then see two of the largest lakes in Minnesota (we saw the largest lake in Minnesota earlier in the trip).

Sophia and Olivia by Leech Lake -
the second largest lake in Minnesota.
(Taken on September 6, 2012.)

What’s working/not working for us…

The Sonlight curriculum that we're using this year has been wonderful. It's nice to have the schedule of books to read and activities to do for the history/geography of the Eastern Hemisphere.

This year is the first year both girls are using A Reason for Spelling. Although spelling is not the girls' favorite subjects, the way this curriculum is presented is engaging and fun for the girls.

Things I’m working on…

I'm continuing to work on organizing and simplifying my home. This has been a year-long goal, with small projects each month through 3 in 30. I've set a goal for the next 100 days to de-clutter one area in the home each day for 15 minutes (105 minutes per week). This is going very well.

I’m reading…

Buddhism - Explore the Teachings and Traditions of this Ancient Religion. It's actually geared for children (it's a DK Eyewitness Book), and one of the books that Sophia will be looking at and reading for the Eastern Hemisphere lessons/activities she's doing.

I don't know that much about Buddhism, so I thought I'd better read at least one book so I'm familiar with the history and beliefs of the religion about which she needs to learn.

I’m cooking…

A variety of healthy food. We're eating a lot more fresh vegetables and fruits since the beginning of the month. Pinterest has been a great resource for finding new recipes and ideas. I put links to what I've made recently here.

Fresh fruit with yogurt and granola in 
wonton cups.
(Taken on September 11, 2012.)

I’m grateful for…

Cooler weather and being able to open the windows once again. The high heat and humidity of the summer was best.

A photo, video, link, or quote to share…

Floating Milkweed
Sophia spreading milkweed seeds and
watching them float away.
(Taken on September 29, 2007.)

"The milkweed pods are breaking, and the bits of silken down, float off upon the autumn breeze, across the meadows brown." (Cecil Cavendish)


  1. Those fruit cups look delicious!!! Sounds like a nice week ;)

  2. Hi, stopping by from Homeschool Mother's Journal. I wondered if you would like to participate in my Monday Feature, Who Home Schools? Here is the link with more information. Please send me an email if you would like to be added to the calendar.

  3. I really ought to try that 15 minutes a day thing as well. It really is amazing how such little time can really add up and you can see that you are getting results.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

  4. I a too looking forward to the cooler weather. buddahism is a neat religion.

  5. I love that picture of your daughter with the milkweeds. It's so sweet.

  6. I am another one who needs to do the 15 min. a thing. I have good intentions, but never seem to follow through. Maybe my ADD gets in the way. LOL

    Since spelling is not a fave of your girls, you might want to introduce them to Vocabulary Spelling City, if you haven't already. It is such a neat site, and it is free to use. They do offer a premium membership (cheap) that I finally got this month. It has lots of good extras.

    Anyway, hope you and the girls have a super great year of learning and exploring together.

    My Attempt at Blogging
    Quaint Scribbles and 3 D Learners

  7. I too need to declutter and am working on it but admit that I am overwhelmed by the task before me. I love the one area for 15 minutes a day idea. Think I will give it a try. Fruit cups look delicious. Pinterest is my new recipe box! Blessings and Joy to you!


Thanks for taking time to read my blog and share your comments. Have a great day!