Friday, April 20, 2012

3 in 30 - April Goals - Update #3

This week's progress for the 3 in 30 challenge is rather limited. Last Friday and Saturday I was at the annual homeschooling conference (which was very informative and inspiring); and then I've been sick since Sunday.

Concurrently, on Sunday my mother experienced a serious drop in her blood sugar level (she has diabetes) which has now resulted in a change of plans in terms of her moving back home this past week. Rather than helping her move from the transitional care unit (where she's been recovering from a cracked ankle since the first week in March), the doctor said she now will have to go to an assisted living apartment until her diabetes is stablized and it is safe for her to return home.  Needless to say, dealing with this matter has taken priority over my personal goals.

So, here's what little I've done during the past week in terms of the three goals I set in April:

1 – Prepare and host an Easter gathering. This was done during the first two weeks of April.

2 – Clean half my office. I made no progress on this goal.

3 – Clean the blue room. I went through the two small bookshelves in the room. Both the girls went through books that I was ready to donate to the book drive that we are doing for the African Library Project (we're calling it the Library of Hope Book Drive).

We are collecting 1,000 books to create a library in Lesotho, Africa. Read more about the project HERE. (As a side note, if you're interested in helping by donating some children's books you have that you no longer need, the link will give you more information about how to get your books to us so they can be shipped to Africa.)

Anyway, with the remaining books in the blue room, I organized them on the shelves so they look more orderly.


So, by far, this is the briefest update on my goals this year. With one week left in April, I'm not sure I'll be able to meet the remaining goals. At this stage, though, I'm happy with any progress (versus none).


  1. Wow, your right your mom definitely takes priority over the other goals. You'll get to the goals so don't feel bad if you don't meet them when you expect too. ((hugs)) Your doing a great job as it is.

  2. Wow, Ann, what a tough week you've had! I hope you're feeling better, or will be soon, and I hope the best for your mom's recovery. Good job on what you did accomplish!

  3. Wow what a crazy week. Your Mom always takes precedence. Have a great weekend.

  4. Family always trumps personal goal lists. ;) No problem. The tasks aren't going anywhere. Best wishes to your mother.

  5. Oh my! Yes, mom should come first. Hope you are feeling better too. :)

  6. You've had a tough week, and family and sickness come before goals. You've still got another week in April, and there's always May.


Thanks for taking time to read my blog and share your comments. Have a great day!