Friday, November 25, 2011

Beautiful Sunrise - Art Every Day Month - Day 25

This morning there was a beautiful sunrise. I was looking out a window that faces west, so I wasn't seeing the sunrise - just the pale blue sky. 

Went downstairs and the view from the east and south windows was stunning! It was if the entire sky was painted in shades of pink, magenta, and lavender.

7:08 a.m. (in the backyard, facing southeast)
The white pines that were transplanted many years ago,
now have exceeded the height of several of the trees
that have always been here.

I heard a rooster crowing down the road to the east.  Reminded me of when there about 40+ chickens here...including several roosters. Enjoyed seeing them walk around the yard and in the pastures.

7:09 a.m. (facing south in the backyard)
I like the outlines of trees in the fall,
especially when they reveal a bird's nest
that was once hidden.

The cows were "moo-ing" in the distance...calling back and forth to one another. I would have missed hearing this sound had the sunrise not been so pretty, and callen me to come out and enjoy it.

7:11 a.m.
(facing east, in the middle of the street in front of the house)
The clouds were a deeper shade of pink
the more I faced east (versus south).

As I was standing in the middle of the street, it was perfectly silent.
Literally - for several minutes - there were no sounds.

No cars.
No farm equipment.
No wind.
No birds.
No roosters.
No cows.

Just complete silence.
It was incredibly peaceful.

7:14 a.m.
(facing east, walking down the driveway back to the house)

As I was walking back down the driveway, I realized that this was the first day-after-Thanksgiving in many years that I was not wearing a coat. Although it was crisp outside, the temperature was perfect...and comfortable.

The smell of pine was strong as I walked on the pine needles that had fallen on the driveway. I let them stay where they are, needles layering upon one another throughout the years.

The black-capped chickadees were singing in the pine trees as I walked past them.

By the time I came back inside, walked upstairs, and opened the blinds, it was 7:17 a.m. The sunrise - with all the beautiful shades of pink, magenta, and purple...are now in my memory and in photographs.

I'm thankful to have been able to see six minutes of incredible beauty this morning.


  1. Those photos are so beautiful. I love when we get those rare moments where everything seems to stop and be still.

  2. this is incredible!! i can hardly believe this is actually SKY (and not a painting, or photoshop) Very, very impressive. It no doubt got your day off to a good start. Thanks for sharing. :-)

  3. The photos are beautiful. Thanks also for reminding us to take time to stop and look. Beauty is all around and it's free.

  4. Oh, I absolutely love sunrise photos!! I have caught many a gorgeous sunrise in those precious few minutes. These are just beautiful...absolutely gorgeous in their pastel glory! I caught a really dramatic, fiery sunrise on Thanksgiving Day that took my breath away and posted it today.
    I'm so glad we connected. I hope to see more of your sky shots. These were magnificent. :):)

  5. so stunning and I am so glad you got to have these... I am trying to avoid sunrise as it is at 4.30am at the moment her in Queensland Australia... I would rather stay in bed then came down and look at yours ... xx


Thanks for taking time to read my blog and share your comments. Have a great day!