Friday, November 25, 2011

30 Day of Giving Thanks - Day 23-25 - Respite Volunteer; Parents+Grandparents; and Sunrise

Wednesday - 23rd - I am thankful for having Mary (a volunteer through a local agency) offer respite services each week for four hours.

The time that she spends with Sophia and Olivia has allowed me to catch up on work that needs to be done; visit my dad when he was hospitalized; handle caregiving responsibilities for both my parents (phone calls, emails, written correspondence, meetings, etc.); and - at times - simply rest.

Today I was able to make some food for Thanksgiving while Mary and the girls took a walk to the back part of the property, played games, talked, and played outdoors.

From Back of Property Looking North

Thursday - 24th - I was happy to be able to spend Thanksgiving here at the farm, and think about how my parents' and grandparents' influence was reflected in the meal:

- My mom's enjoyment in entertaining and putting together delicious meals to serve family and friends. I try to do this each year, and hope that everyone has a nice time and good meal;
- My dad's instruction and guidance in how to make a turkey and stuffing, and cut the meat;
- My grandma's (on my mom's side) guidance on how to bake pies and make homemade pie crust; and
- My grandma's (on my dad's side) recipe for banana bread that I make each year on Thanksgiving.

B is for Banana Bread

My mom was able to be here for Thanksgiving this year; while my dad and grandmas joined us at the table in spirit.

Friday - 25th - Today I was so thankful to be able to see six minutes of absolute beauty in a sunrise.  I have more pictures of the sunrise on this post.


  1. A bounty of things to be thankful for. You know how I LOVED that sky!! :)


Thanks for taking time to read my blog and share your comments. Have a great day!