Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Countdown to Christmas - Day 1

This year, I hung an Advent calendar that has 25 different envelopes that I hand-embroidered. In each envelope, there's a slip of paper with an activity that we can do together.

For the first day, I had the girls make a fort house with blankets and I read to them in the fort. I think they found every blanket in the house to create the fort. They used rubber bands and safety pins to fasten the blankets-to-blankets as well as blankets-to-chairs. The fort had even more blankets in it along with pillows.

The girls each picked a Christmas book they wanted me to read in the fort. A couple of the cats even joined us to listen to the stories.

Advent Calendar Pockets 8-12

Part of the Advent calendar that I made.  Each envelope is hand-embroidered. 
The pockets close with a circle of velcro.

1 comment:

Thanks for taking time to read my blog and share your comments. Have a great day!