Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Day 30 - Final Day of Art Every Day Month

Today marks the last day of "Art Every Day Month."  After making the miniature journal quilt and quilt block over the past couple of days, I made several window stars yesterday.  Out of the ones I made, I like this pattern the best:

I also made the same pattern, but in yellow like this star I made during the summer:

After making the window stars, the girls and I spent some time homeschooling.  They worked on map skills, math, handwriting/penmanship, human anatomy, spelling, reading, music (piano, singing), and religion.  For part of the day, I read aloud to them.  Finished reading "Doctor Doolittle" (which is Olivia's read aloud book) and continued working on "Johnny Tremain" (which is Sophia's read aloud book). 

Played the piano and continued trying to learn "Here I am Lord" which is a very meaningful song to my dad and mom since it was played/sung throughout their deacon training as well as during the ordination itself.  (This is one of many songs I'll play for them closer to Christmas when the girls and I go to their home and play music on the piano.  The girls also are going to sing a couple songs that they have been working on now since September.)  As I played it, I changed and eliminated notes in ways that played a bit easier.  My parents will not know that I made these changes, but the modifications definitely help when I play the piece.

After practicing the song, I made dinner and tried a new recipe.  Followed it very loosely and chose to modify it based on what I had on hand and what I thought would taste the best. 

On this final day of the "Art Every Day Month" challenge, I did some visual arts/crafts, teaching, music, and cooking - all of which required creativity.  During this past month, I have enjoyed (1) challenging myself to try new things this month; (2) re-visiting crafts and hobbies I once I enjoyed and hadn't been making time for recently; and (3) contuining doing creative activities I do on a regular basis.


  1. Oo, I'm loving that blue window star as well!! I'm glad that you enjoyed creating this month!

  2. I love the blue window star - stunning! I'm glad you had a good month, and it sounds like you and your daughters had lots of fun with school this week.


Thanks for taking time to read my blog and share your comments. Have a great day!