Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Photo Scavenger Hunt

On Swap-bot there is a photo challenge to find five items on a list of ten. I was able to find eight of the items from my current and past photos. 

A Pet - this is Aspen with one of her favorite stuffed toys, "Bunny." She was rescued from a high-kill shelter at only 6 1/2 weeks and we adopted her at around 8 weeks. She was so tiny. Now, as a Siberian Husky-American Staffordshire Terrier mix, she's a medium-sized dog. Aspen has such a wonderful personality. We all absolutely love this dog!

Something Blue - At the museum where I work, we had an open house on May 6th. Of course, it had to drizzle in the morning and then go into a rainstorm in the afternoon about a half hour before closing. My godmother, her daughter, and her grandson came to the open house which was such a nice surprise. Pam's umbrella and Landon's blue jacket stood out and added a bright pop of color.

Something Beginning with H - In late-April, I went to the Minnesota Association of Local History Museums in Austin, Minnesota. This is the Historic Hormel Home. It's beautifully preserved and presented and much larger than I thought.  

 A Place of Worship - many years ago, my sister and I spent a day traveling around southern Minnesota. This is a little historic church. The stained glass windows were so beautiful and detailed.

Waterfowl - last Wednesday I was able to accompany the sixth graders at the local elementary school on their field trip to the Minnesota Zoo. This was one of the waterfowl in the Tropics area. The zoo employees were cleaning the enclosure, so there was limited water for the ducks and flamingos when we were there. 

Spring - when I was in Austin, Minnesota, at the end of April, there were many signs of spring. This is one of the catkins on the trees on the Tree Trek there. There are 75 trees and shrubs planted along a little lake that showcase the variety of trees that can grow in Minnesota. Some are native and others are not. However, all can grow in this climate.

Parade - this photo is from a couple of years ago when my family and I went to see the parade in Osceola, Wisconsin. A Mexican restaurant put together this float. It was one of our favorite ones in the parade. 

Shadow - this image was from many years ago at a state park. I looked down and noticed the shadow of a plant on a rock. I didn't do anything to the image - this is how the lighting and image looked in the heart of the forest.

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Thanks for taking time to read my blog and share your comments. Have a great day!