Sunday, January 9, 2022

Happiness Scavenger Hunt #3

In December, I did Happiness Scavenger Hunt #1 and #2 on Swap-Bot. This is the third and final Scavenger Hunt in a series of three. The goal is to photograph something that fits each of these six categories. Something that: 

Reminds you of someone you love 

Whenever I see cardinals, it reminds me of my parents - both who have died (Dad in 2012 and Mom in 2015). These cardinals were at our home on January 6th - what would have been my Dad's 90th birthday. 

They - along with another pair - are frequent visitors at our feeders. They love the sunflower seeds. The cardinals lift my spirits with their expressions, beautiful color, and gentleness to one another and other birds.

Is useful to you

The Ninja blender is probably one of the most useful appliances in the kitchen. There are three containers - this large one, a medium one, and a smoothie size. I use it to make everything from smoothies to sauces to dicing vegetables.

You like to share with others

There are a lot of things that I like to share. One thing that is on our farm is a barn quilt that I helped my daughter paint. She designed the barn quilt and picked out the colors. I taped it and did much of the painting of it. It is visible from the road so that the public can see it.

I like to share my cooking and baking skills with others. When people see some of the things I make, they ask for the recipe, and I'm more than happy to share that so they can make the food at their home. This is an egg bake that I made for Sophia's 21st birthday.

Continuing on that theme, I recently shared my beverage-making skills with my family. We had strawberry daiquiris (some had rum for those who were legal age and others didn't if they were underage and/or didn't want to drink). 

The other thing this picture represents is sharing my time to create memories. We played Risk for 4 days as a family before Sophia left for her study abroad trip to Thailand. Sharing my time so we all could build memories with one another is important to me.

Another thing I like to share are my sewing skills. Over Christmas break, I helped Olivia with a pattern modification and pinning the inner part of a bag to the outer part of it. She's holding her almost-done bag that I pinned. 

Another way I share my sewing skills is by making things for others. Below are five quilts that I made using squares that my mom had cut but never had a chance to sew together before she died. Two of the quilts I made for my sister, one for Olivia, one for my niece, and one is leftover. My brother didn't want it because he has a lot of quilts. Sophia didn't want a second one (last year I gave her and Olivia a quilt that my mom started and didn't finish).

I also like to share my past experiences as they relate to my daughters and what they are doing. For example, Sophia was packing for a four-month study abroad program. Although I haven't done a study abroad program, I have traveled internationally - including twice to China. So, I spent time with her during the week prior to her departure going over what she needed, how to pack, and getting the items that would make her time in Thailand easier.

Tastes delicious

On New Year's Day, we had a Chinese meal. Even though it isn't the Chinese New Year (which is February 1st this year), we have Chinese food each New Year's Day. It started when Paige and I lived in San Francisco in the late early 1990s and we were looking for a restaurant that was open on New Year's Day. The Chinese ones were open, so we went to one. Thus, started the tradition. 

This year we were quarantining because the study abroad program asked students and families to quarantine before departure. Students needed to have a negative COVID test in order to go on international flights. So, I ordered a bunch of frozen Chinese food and sparkling apple cider. Although it wasn't the same as going out, it actually was delicious. We all said that we would want to get the food again.

Another thing that was delicious was the homemade cake and cake pops for Sophia's 21st birthday. The cake pops, in particular, turned out. They had chocolate cake mix, chocolate pudding mix, chocolate chips, some crushed Oreo cookies, and chocolate frosting. They were dipped in white chocolate and had chocolate drizzled across them. 

Is all your own

My friend, Karen, made this table runner for me. She has such an eye for fabric colors and patterns as well as thread colors. She knows I love plants and flowers, so this is the perfect table runner for me.

Gives you hope for the future

My daughters give me hope for the future. They are both service-oriented, compassionate, loving young women. When I look at what both of them have done and what they want to do in the future, I am encouraged and inspired by what they will do.  

This picture was taken at the airport on January 4th as Sophia waited in line to check in for her departure to Thailand. We will see her again on May 1st. 


  1. Sophia is really on an adventure!
    Lovely post! :)

  2. Loved your pictures. Cardinals are my favorite birds; I haven't seen a female one before (that I am aware of). We don't get them in California.


Thanks for taking time to read my blog and share your comments. Have a great day!