Monday, November 29, 2021

Thanksgiving Table and Food

Thanksgiving 2021 marked a year where we could gather. It was such a contrast to last year - 2020 - when COVID-19 and the pandemic affected getting together in large groups. It was so nice to be together again!

The day started out early - around 7 a.m. I took out the turkey and ham from the refrigerator, and began cutting the onions and celery for the dressing. I sauteed the onions and celery with butter and mushrooms. Seasoned it with dried herbs from our garden plus salt and pepper. The house took on the "Thanksgiving smell" at that point. 

I prepped the Brussels sprouts side dish and green beans with shallots. Next, I took out all of the silver and dishes that I wanted to use.

By this time, the girls were awake and started helping me. Olivia wanted to polish all of the silver. Sophia put in the whole cloves where I had scored the ham. After she was done, I poured a bunch of honey over the ham since the girls wanted a honey ham.

Sophia peeled 9 potatoes. We didn't do a lot this year because my brother and his family brought cheesy potatoes. What we didn't know at the time was that he brought a sheet that his school cafeteria uses. It barely fit in our oven! At any rate, as Sophia was peeling the potatoes, Danny (the dog) supervised.

Olivia polished the silver while Nessa (one of Sophia's roommates from college who was staying with us over the Thanksgiving weekend) ate breakfast. 

I had purchased a bouquet of flowers for the table and decorated the windows with windows stars earlier in the week.

By 1:30 p.m., the table was set. We used the china plates that we received from our wedding, the silver forks/knives/spoons from Paige's parents (with some of the silver from my parents since we had 14 guests and the silverware sets are for 12 people), and glassware from our wedding. There were a few glasses that belonged to my mom and dad too. 

The napkins were from 3 sets - one that belonged to us and two that belonged to my parents. When they died, I inherited them. My sister and brother didn't want them. 

This is one side of the table. I got a new table runner this year. The two silver pieces on the runner are to put hot dishes on. They expand to the size of pan or plate. 

Everyone arrived between 2 p.m. and 2:45 p.m. It took that long to put the finishing touches on the food, everything into serving dishes, and the food onto the table. 

In the scramble to get everything on the table, I realized (in retrospect) that I didn't take any close-up pictures of the food. So, on this side of the table, there's gravy, pumpkin spice bread, wild rice pilaf, mashed potatoes, dressing (from a box), homemade dressing (my dad's recipe), lemon curd, applesauce with ginger and cinnamon, and cheesy potatoes. 

On this side of the table, there's a 13-pound turkey (which is small compared to past years); fresh fruit salad; Brussel sprouts with maple syrup and bacon; green beans with shallots and mushrooms; pickles; homemade rolls; gravy; and honey ham. 

After dinner and dessert (pumpkin pie, French silk pie, brownies, and homemade nut goodie bars), we played games. There was a game of Life going on in the family room.

We had a game of Millennial Loteria (Bingo) in the dining room. 

There were some funny images on the card. 

After Jim's family, Jordan, and Yari left, a game of Skip-Bo was played. Then Mary and Colton left, and Sophia, Olivia, and Nessa continued playing Skip-Bo.

I did the dishes since the majority of them had to be hand-washed. There was a lot of glassware and china that can't go in the dishwasher. This is one side of the kitchen with both counters and the sink full of drying dishes.

This is the other side of the kitchen with the counter full of drying silverware, pots, pans, and miscellaneous dishes.

We all had such a nice Thanksgiving, and enjoyed spending the time with one another. 


  1. Wow! You had a houseful this year! How nice. Everything sounded delicious, too. Beautiful table setting and lots of happy people. :)

  2. It looks like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family. It is a great holiday for hanging at home and eating, isn't it? hugs-Erika


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