3 things that made you happy in October
1. Going to the Twin Cities Corn Maze with Sophia, Olivia, and Paige. This is the largest maze in the area and has different points that you can find. It's pretty challenging, but fun.
3. Having Sophia home a few days before Halloween to have a meal together. I made a 15-layer lasagna. Danny (the dog) has his own chair next to Sophia.
2 things you're looking forward to in November
1. Having Thanksgiving at the farm again. It will be nice to make a big meal for my family, my sister and her family, and my brother and his family. It sounds like there will be some guests, too, this year with my sister's sons bringing their girlfriends. I'm not sure if any of Sophia's roommates who are from out of town will be joining us like they did for Easter.
2. Celebrating Sophia's and Olivia's adoption anniversary days. Ever since the girls were little we have celebrated the anniversary of their adoption days. We typically have a special meal or go out to eat to a restaurant of their choice.
1 thing from October that you'd rather forget
1. Not completing a course at the Textile Center. I signed up to take a course where I would learn how to make an item of clothing that reflects my creativity and artistic vision. The class ended up being a lot of talking versus hands-on experimentation and learning which was frustrating.
An exhibit at the Textile Center.
Then, we all had to make the same item - a folk coat. For one entire session, we had to trace the pattern. That was - to me - a waste of time that we could have been sewing the coat or creating the embellishments for it.
Fabric collage that was at the Owatonna Arts Center.
At any rate, as the weeks went by, I realized that my original vision would not be possible because I didn't have the equipment or supplies to print images on fabric. I wanted to take the images and create a collage on the coat and then do free-motion quilting over it.
Textile art that I saw at the Owatonna Arts Center that I really liked.
Without being able to do the printed images, I needed to start over with a new idea. Nothing came to me and it was causing more stress than enjoyment. It was best, in my opinion, just to walk away from a project that was not working out as I had envisioned.
I like the Textile Center and the artwork in their galleries. I've also taken classes before there and have enjoyed them.
Sophia doing textile printing at the Textile Center many years ago.
This, unfortunately, was not a positive experience like I hoped it would be.
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