Monday, October 4, 2021

September 3-2-1

3 things that made me happy in September

1. Olivia got accepted to go to both colleges that she applied to, and is very happy about it. She already received an initial academic scholarship and alum referral scholarship ($29,000 per year total) for her second-choice college. It will be interesting to see what her top choice academic scholarship is, and if it competitive with or matches her second choice's offer. 

Olivia received her acceptance packet from Bethel University first.

Olivia received her acceptance packet from the College of St. Benedict second.

2. The major event that I was co-coordinating went exceptionally well. 

The food trucks/trailers were a huge hit!

The weather was pleasant, turnout was very high, and the new activities we added this year were well-received. 

Sophia and some of her suitemates playing Bingo at Taco Daze.

Minnesota Armored Combat.

I was responsible for the vendor area, food trucks/trailers, and the flyover (the latter of which was handled by a pilot who had connections to veterans who fly vintage aircraft...I was the point-person on the event team who worked with the pilot).  

Everyone was using their cell phones to record the Huey helicopter take off.

The Huey helicopter flew right overhead.

Three military aircraft kicked off the Taco Daze parade.

The director of Gammelgarden was happy to 
see Sophia back from college for the weekend.

My sister, Sophia, her two suitemates, and me in a Huey helicopter.
I used a 1960s filter since the Huey flew in 1966-67 in Vietnam.

The dance team from the local high school performed in the parade.

3. Olivia and I have been able to do some activities together during her senior year of high school. Some of the activities are new ones - like going to Chalk Fest - which we both enjoyed. The chalk drawings were much larger than we anticipated. Some were in 2D and others were in 3D which I've never seen done before. 

One of the chalk drawings at Chalk Fest.

This chalk drawing had a 3D effect.

Olivia, Addy, and Jim.

Another chalk drawing that was done in 3D.

There was so much detail in many of the chalk drawings.

Other activities are ones that we used to do together when she was younger - like nature hikes and collecting leaves as part of her nature study. The first photo below is from the day when we were collecting leaves and needles from the trees so she could press them. Our goal is to identify each type of tree on our property. 

Olivia by one of the tall pine trees in the front yard.

Olivia and I went on a night hike so she could get some photos for her photography PSEO course. We didn't go on a long walk...just long enough to get some photos of the sky and landscape during the "blue hour") when the sun has set is far below the horizon and the sky takes on a dark-blue or indigo tone.

Olivia using her flashlight to light the way up the hill 
as we took photos during the Blue Hour.

2 things I'm looking forward to in October

1. I'm looking forward to going to the Twin Cities Harvest Festival and Corn Maze on October 9th. Paige, Olivia, and I went last year, and it was a lot of fun going through the complex corn maze. Each year the corn maze has a different theme and design. On the weekends, there also are food trucks and activities to do. We are picking up Sophia from college so we can do something together as a family. The photos below are from last year.

Olivia and me at the corn maze in 2020.

Paige and Olivia in the corn maze in 2020.

Olivia marking off where we had been in the corn maze.

2. Later in the month, I am going to the Regional Lions Leadership Institute. My Lions Club is paying for all the expenses which will be nice. It's about 3 1/2 hours from home, so I am carpooling with another Lion from my club. During the days and early evenings, there are sessions focused on building one's leadership skills. The evenings and early mornings I have to do whatever I want. I'm looking forward to bringing some things that I've wanted to get done, and doing those when there are no activities. 

1 thing from September that I'd rather forget

1. On September 17th, Bailey and Hoss (our horses we have had for 12 years), were picked up and returned to the Minnesota Hooved Animal Rescue Foundation (MHARF). The miniature horse - Hoss - developed an issue with his hooves, especially his front right one, that impacted the way he was able to move. 

Since February 2021, we had been working with our vet and farrier, and the problem persisted. We tried numerous things and his hooves were not improving. We felt it would be best to have the MHARF look at his hooves and give him different medical care than what we could provide.

Bailey galloping in the field on her last evening at the farm. 
I will miss hearing the clopping of her hooves as they hit the earth.

Because Bailey and Hoss are a bonded pair, we felt it would be in the horses' best interest to go together rather than being separated and alone. 

Bailey and Hoss eating together on Thursday evening.

They have been able to be together during this transition time at a foster home. However, the foster family let me know that the MHARF director wants to separate them so that Bailey can be trained to be a riding horse versus a pasture pet. Hoss would be "marketed" as a 4-H mini horse or pasture pet once his hooves are 100% better and he is healed. 

So, as painful as this decision is, I'm hoping that Bailey develops the confidence to be separated from Hoss and is able to do some fun things that she'll enjoy - like trail rides and being with other horses where she can get along with them and she isn't picked on (like at the first farm she was at and why she was rescued from it). 

Bailey looking at me after looking at the trailer 
pulling up outside the barn.

I will miss seeing both Bailey and Hoss look out of
the barn window and into the backyard.

The trailer with Bailey and Hoss headed out of our driveway
and to their new life.

I know that Hoss is getting the medical care he needs, and - because there are fresh eyes on him (both a new vet and farrier) - he already is walking better thanks to better hoof trims and the treatment of an abscess (which neither our farrier or vet identified). 

Things will work out for the best, I have to believe.  

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