Monday, June 21, 2021

The Guerilla Art Kit (Book Notes)

I've been interested in the guerilla art movement and came across the book The Guerilla Art Kit - Everything You Need to Put Your Message Out Into the World for Fun, Non-profit, and World Domination" by Keri Smith. 

There are a lot of fun ideas in the book. Below are some of them.

- Make seed bombs - add greenery and life (and also food) to places that are neglected or rundown. There's an artist Masanobu Fukuoka who was referenced. The seed bombs will self-germinate when the right conditions occur. You need 2 parts mixed seeds (native is preferred), 3 parts compost, 5 parts powdered red or brown clay, and water (enough until mixture is damp enough to mold into balls).

   Pinch off a penny-sized piece of the clay mixture and roll it between the palms of your hands until it forms a tight ball. Set the balls on newspaper and allow them to dry for 24-48 hours. Store in a cool place until ready to sow. 

- Chalk Quotes - collect some quotes - the shorter ones work best. Find a good location - in front of the post office, the library, or on a street. Sidewalks use up chalk rather quickly, so bring more than you need. Visit the location at another time and watch people responding to the quotes. 

- Guerilla Gardening - you'll need a towel, seeds, watering container, and soil (optional). Look for sidewalk cracks, empty planters, ditches, ugly green spaces, spaces next to ugly buildings, etc. Add soil if the conditions are less than desirable. Plant and water.

- Public Chalkboard - paint the desired surface with chalkboard paint (either green or black). Leave chalk for people to share their own thoughts. 

- The Unexpected Object - you'll need a jar, found object, paper, and pen. Get a jar and write on the lid, "Pick me up." Put something of interest inside it - a note, a found object, etc. Leave on a park bench. You could also put tags on objects that say, "A Gift for You." Another idea is to leave hand-written or typed notes in the pockets of pans for sale in a store. 

- Moss Graffiti - you'll need 12 oz. of buttermilk, several clumps of garden moss, a plastic container with lid, blender, and paintbrush. This recipe will create several small pieces or one large piece of graffiti. Gather several clumps of moss and crumble them into a blender. Add the buttermilk and blend just long enough to create a smooth, creamy consistency. Pour the mixture into a plastic container. Find a suitable damp and shady wall onto which you can apply your moss milkshake. Paint your chosen design onto the wall (either freehand or using a stencil). Return to the area over the following weeks to ensure that the mixture is kept moist. Soon the blended moss will begin to grow into a rooted plan and create the design. 

- Wish Tree - create an envelope or use an existing one. Cut out blank tags from paper or fabric and punch a hole near one end of each tag. Tie 5" pieces of string to the holes. Place tags in envelop. Affix envelope and pen to a tree somewhere nearby. Write some of your own wishes on a few of the tabs and hang them there to encourage others. Instead of tags, use colored ribbons approximately 10 inches long. 

- Origami Additions - choose an origami format (e.g., crane, balloon). Make multiples (30 or more). Find a place, such as a tree, to hang the objects.

1 comment:

  1. I just saw a video about seed bombs used in New York around vacant buildings and lots and how over time it changed a whole section of the city. So cool! What great ideas. :)


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