Thursday, June 3, 2021

My Favorite Photos - May 2021

On Swap-Bot there is an ongoing swap that focuses on your favorite photos from the previous month. During May 2021, these are my favorite ones:

On May 1st, I coordinated a community event through the Lions Club.
We had a shredding event (the white truck) and recycled over 3 tons of paper!
Also did many other types of collections and sold food.

Olivia painted two custom-designed barn quilts.

I'm taking a photography class and one assignment was to 
break a personal rule you have about photography. 
I don't photograph signs. For this assignment, I did.

Another photography assignment was to capture the theme of "Emerge."
As I walked the dogs, I saw trash emerge along the side of the road 
as the snow melted. This was a shiny piece of garbage 
on the side of the road with writing on it. 
The sun and weeds were reflected in it.

A lone tree in a field yet to be planted.

Barbed wire on a fence. 

There were lots of goldfinches throughout May at our farm.
The males are now bright yellow.

Bailey was watching me in the backyard.

The hummingbirds have returned!

One of many tulips in our backyard.

The orioles returned in May!

I've never noticed the tiny red pinecones on one of the trees.

More tulips.

Scooby relaxing in the sun. 
The dogs are enjoying spending time outside now that it is warmer.

Cows grazing in a pasture.
This was on my way to pick up some plants.

One of the cows that the dogs and I pass by each time I walk them.
I named him "Ernie." His companion is "Bert."
Unfortunately, their days are limited. 
It makes me sad that these Ernie and Bert - 
who watch us as we pass by and sometimes come running to see us -
will be processed this summer.

The dogs relaxing on the chairs and sofa. 
This is what they typically look like when we leave.

Mother's Day dinner.

Olivia found a warren of bunnies by the barn.

The bleeding hearts were prolific this year.

My sister and I saw a raccoon on a hike on her birthday.

We also saw lots of chipmunks.

We were surprised to see two garter snakes.
This one was a lot bigger than I thought garter snakes got.

My sister and I went to Franconia Sculpture Park.
This is one of the sculptures.

One of the men in our Lions Club died. He was a Vietnam Veteran.
The quilt that is displayed is one that I hand in helping get presented 
to him about 7 months ago. It is part of the Quilts of Valor program.
Several women in Minnesota made the quilt and 
it was presented to him in October. The Color Guard 
from the VFW was there also. It was a very moving ceremony.

One of many different types I made this month through the 4-H Pizza Club.
This one was a dessert pizza which we've never had before.

One of the Asiatic Lilies.

Cooper enjoying being outside.

Aspen on alert. She was watching for activity in the driveway and road.

Prairie Smoke. I really like this unusual native plant.

We planted two of these azalea plants in memory of Paige's mom and dad 
who died on May 5th and 6th in 2008 and 1985 respectively.

These are Virginia Bluebells - another native plant.
We planted them last year and this is the first year they bloomed!

Pulmonaria or Lungwort in the front yard.  
The flowers are a variety of purples and pinks.

This inquisitive male deer was in the west pasture. 
His antlers are growing in.

This wren is cleaning his feathers. He was sitting in the sun 
on a chilly 47 degree morning over Memorial Day weekend.

We visited Paige's stepfather.
Sophia and Olivia enjoyed seeing their grandpa.

We saw 4 geese parents and tons of goslings.
This was one parent with the goslings s/he was watching.

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