Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Currently I'm...

This is a swap for Swap-Bot called "Currently, I'm..." which I'm in. I thought it was a departure from what I've been doing recently on my blog so I signed up to do it.

Reading...a variety of books about art (photography, collage, papermaking, and book arts mostly). Also am starting to read Marlo Thomas's book called It Ain't Over Till It's Over.

Playing...unfortunately, nothing. It seems like my days are filled with volunteering for the Lions and doing what feels like "work" - updating Facebook pages, editing a website, and lots of emailing. There's more time behind the computer than what I would like. 

Watching...nature mostly. I'm loving how the flowers are blooming and there's so much color compared to even a couple of weeks ago. 

Eating...some new foods that I haven't had before. Each week, I try to make at least one new recipe. This week I have several new recipes I'm trying: Honey-Glazed Sweet Potato Fries, Asian Chicken Noodle Soup, and an Apple Cider Vinaigrette. We get our first CSA box tomorrow and there will be a lot of lettuce in it, so I'm excited to try a new vinaigrette.  

Drinking...lots of water. Every day I try to drink between 3-4 bottles of water (24 ounces each). 

Crafting...I'm taking a mixed media sketchbook course through the Minnesota Center for Book Arts. I thought I'd really enjoy it looking at the photo that accompanied the course description. For some reason, it's just not resonating with me. I haven't been that happy with the pages I've been creating. 

I also started a photography course (9-week course) that I began and did for about four weeks and then stopped. It wasn't what I thought it would be, and the instructor was off conducting other in-person classes so he wasn't providing much, if any, online feedback. The other students seemed to know one another. So, I thought I'd download the information and do the course on my own at my own pace. 

Tomorrow, I have an eco-printing on fabric class and a European papermaking course I'm taking. Both are through the Minnesota Center for Book Arts and are online.  

Swapping...doing electronic swaps only since postage is so much these days. 

Going to...do errands today (post office, bank, Walmart), take Olivia to the oral surgeon for a pre-op appointment to get her lower wisdom teeth out (she doesn't have upper wisdom teeth), and meet with the director of a local history museum who hired me to do proposal writing for a grant they hope to get. 

Craving...a rootbeer float for some reason. I haven't drank pop since January 1st of this year. Maybe that's the reason. 

Loving...the peacefulness of mornings when things are quiet before everyone wakes up. 

Hating...mosquitoes and horseflies which seem to be around every time I go outside. 

Thinking...about what in the world I'm going to do career-wise once Olivia goes to college. I have no idea what direction to go or what to do as I re-enter the workforce in my mid-50s after being a homeschool mom since my mid-30s. 

(As a side note, the photo below is of my mom, Sophia, and Olivia touching a Picasso sculpture at the Minneapolis Institute of Art in May 2013. We were able to do a "touch/tactile tour" of the museum because my mom was legally blind. Touch was her only way to be able to enjoy the artwork.)

Planning...for many upcoming service events for the Lions. It's the club's 40th anniversary and I would like to see 40 service activities done and 40 new members added during the upcoming year.  

Smelling...nothing right now. I am remembering how beautifully-fragrant the roses and peonies are that are blooming in our front yard. 


Listening to...the fan try to cool the bedroom which has to feel like 80 degrees. This is the hottest room in the home during the summer and coldest room during the winter. It used to be an attic and I don't think it has adequate insulation.

Wanting to buy...a second (used) car to help with getting everyone to where they need to be. It has been a challenge with the girls' activities and needing to get to multiple places on the same day.

1 comment:

  1. I will be waiting to find out what you do decide to do when you are done with homeschooling. So many choices! You are so talented and inventive. :) This was a fun post.


Thanks for taking time to read my blog and share your comments. Have a great day!