Thursday, April 23, 2020

Scrappy "Sewn" Greeting Cards

While Minnesota has a stay-at-home order, I have been able to spend much more time at home and try some new projects I've been wanting to do. This pin on Pinterest led to Kiflies Levendula that had an idea for using small pieces of scrapbook paper to create a greeting card. Below is an example of one of my finished cards.

The first step was folding a 9"x12" (or 8 1/2" x 11") piece of cardstock in half. Then, cut a variety of scrapbook paper into small pieces. This gives a starting point for fitting the pieces on the card.

Cut the pieces as needed to fit the front of the card. Below are the two layouts I did. The one on the left uses scrapbook paper and the one on the right uses handmade marbled paper that I made.

Next, take a thin, black permanent marker and draw little lines around each of the pieces of paper. It kind of reminds me of the blanket stitch in embroidery.

This was a fun project to do and used up some of the paper I had on hand.

1 comment:

  1. Oh gosh! What a cute idea and a good way to use up scraps! I like that you could sew or do faux stitching with a pen. :)


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