Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Lent 2020 - Photography, Decluttering, and Poetry

This idea comes from a pin on Pinterest that leads to Beth Anne's Best. It focuses on taking one photograph per day during Lent which is February 26th to April 9th this year. Her ideas and suggestions for each photography prompt follow.

1. Ashes or someone's #ashtag – Show us a picture of ashes or the ashes you received at church today.
2. Heart – It’s Valentine’s Day share a heart you gave or received. (Note: this is from a year when Lent was earlier. I looked at a different photography challenge and am replacing this with another idea from a pin that has other ideas. Today's alternative image idea: Wonder.)
3. Lenten meal – During Lent Catholics abstain from Lent on Friday’s. Share what you ate today.
4. The Weather – Jesus predicted his death in the scriptures. The weather man predicts the weather everyday. Was he right today?
5. Forty – There are forty days in lent. Use your imagination post a picture to represent the number 40.
6. Your Lenten Sacrifice – What sacrifices are you making this Lent? Are you praying more or giving something up?
7. Bible – Our faith is routed in scripture. Share a picture of any Bible – your favorite or even a family Bible.
8. Your Favorite Clergy – The clergy are an important part of the church. Share a photo of your favorite deacon, priest, pastor, bishop, cardinal, or pope. (Alternative image idea: Peace.)
9. Lenten meal – During Lent Catholics abstain from meat on Friday’s. Share what you ate today. (Alternative image idea: Joy.)
10. Favorite Saint – The Saints are our role models. Who do you look up to most and why? (Alternative image idea: Patience.)
11. Quiet – Share a photo of a quiet place or that represents what the word Quiet means to you.
12. Favorite Place to Pray – Where is your favorite place to pray? (Alternative image idea: Kindness.)
13. Tree – A tree made a big difference in Zacchaeus’ life. Jesus also died on a cross (made out of a tree). Share a picture of a tree to remember this.
14. Healing – Jesus was a healer. Share a picture that represents healing to you.
15. Lenten meal – During Lent Catholics abstain from Lent on Friday’s. Share what you ate today. (Alternative image idea: Wilderness.)
16. Some place High – Jesus often preached from the top of mountains. Go some place high and take a photo and say a prayer.
17. Almsgiving – During Lent we are supposed to give to others. Share a photo of a way you are doing that this Lent.
18. Something Purple – Purple is the liturgical color of Lent. There is purple everywhere in the church. Share something purple.
19. Candle – Candles are very symbolic of our faith. Share a photo of a candle to remember this.
20. Sacrifice – Share a photo of what sacrifice means to you.
21. Lenten meal – During Lent Catholics abstain from Lent on Friday’s. Share what you ate today. (Alternative image idea: Vision.)
22. Favorite Family Activity – During Lent spend some time with your loved ones and share a photo doing something fun together.
23. Favorite Charity – Share your favorite charity to give alms to. (Alternative image idea: New Life.)
24. A Gift God Gave You – When we are baptized we receive the 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Share a Gift or Talent that God gave you that you are able to use to make the world a better place.
25. Sacred Space – There are many sacred spaces in the world. Share a sacred space to you.
26. Favorite Prayer – Share a favorite prayer. (Alternative image idea: Light.)
27. Lenten meal – During Lent Catholics abstain from Lent on Friday’s. Share what you ate today. (Alternative image idea: New.)
28. 3 O’Clock – Jesus died at 3:00pm. Try and remember this at 3:00pm and take a picture of what was happening.
29. Bread and Wine – At mass the bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ. Share a picture of any bread and wine to remember the sacrifice of the mass. (Alternative image idea: Thirst.)
30. Fasting – Share what you have fasted from during Lent. (Alternative image idea: Follow.)
31. Create a Lenten Wordle – Make a wordle of what Lent means to you. For help how to create a wordle go here. Come up with words, phrases, bible quotes, or anything of what Lent Means to you. Type them into the box on or and it will create a pretty picture of words for you. (Alternative image idea: Compassion.)
32. Praying Hands – Prayer is a big part of Lent. Share a picture of praying hands to remember to pray.
33. Lenten meal – During Lent Catholics abstain from Lent on Friday’s. Share what you ate today. (Alternative image idea: Surprise.)
34. Lamb – Lambs are a symbol of Easter. Share a photo of a lamb. (Alternative image idea: Hidden.)
35. Palms – Yesterday was Palm Sunday. Share a photo of the palms you received at mass.
36. Oils – During holy week cathedrals around the world hold a Chrism Mass where they bless the oils that will be used to administer the sacraments. Share a photo of oils. (Alternative image idea: Shine.)
37. Water – Tomorrow we will celebrate Holy Thursday where we will witness the washing of the feet. Share a photo of water to prepare for that.
38. Feet – Today share a photo of feet to represent the washing of the feet.
39. Crucifix – Today is Good Friday. Share a photo of a crucifix to remember what today represents.
40. Fire – The Easter Vigil begins with a fire. Share a photo of a fire.
41. BONUS DAY – Easter Sunday – Alleluia – He is Risen – Picture of what Easter means to you!


40 Bags in 40 Days which doesn't lead to anything.

From the list above, the 40 things and areas that I want to organize and streamline are: 

1. Extra throw pillows and blankets.
2. Home décor.
3. Media center and electronics cabinet.
4. Music and movies.
5. Toys and games.
6. Craft closet.
7. Linen closet.
8. Table linens.
9. Formal serving ware.
10. Dining room hutch, buffet, and closet.
11. Small appliances.
12. Food storage and supplies.
13. Baking supplies.
14. Utensil drawer.
15. Everyday serving ware.
16. Junk drawer.
17. Recipe boxes and books.
18. Pantry and snacks.
19. Herbs and spices.
20. Refrigerator and freezers.
21. Under the sink and cleaning supplies.
22. Office shelves and cabinets (office 1).
23. Office shelves and cabinets (office 2).
24. Top of desk.
25. Desk drawers.
26. Files and paperwork.
27. Email.
28. Phone apps.
29. Bookshelves.
30. Sewing and mending supplies.
31. Medicine cabinet.
32. Bathroom cabinets and drawers (which includes make-up, skincare products, and haircare products).
33. Clothing.
34. Shoes and boots.
35. Outerwear in front closet.
36. Mudroom.
37. Gardening supplies.
38. Sports equipment.
39. Car and car care products.
40. Pet supplies.


Found this pin which leads to Charis Ministries

Fast from judging others; feast on the goodness in them.
Fast from emphasis on differences; feast on unity of all life.
Fast from apparent darkness; feast on the reality of light.
Fast from thoughts of illness; feast on the healing power of God.
Fast from words that pollute; feast on phrases that purify.
Fast from discontent: feast on gratitude.

Fast from anger; feast on patience.
Fast from pessimism; feast on optimism.
Fast from worry; feast on divine order.
Fast from complaining; feast on appreciation.
Fast from negatives: feast on affirmatives.
Fast from unrelenting pressures; feast on unceasing prayer.

Fast from hostility; feast on non-resistance.
Fast from bitterness; feast on forgiveness.
Fast from self-concern; feast on compassion for others.
Fast from personal anxiety; feast on eternal Truth.
Fast from discouragement; feast on hope.

Fast from facts that depress; feasts on truths that uplift.
Fast from lethargy; feast on enthusiasm.
Fast from suspicion; feast on truth.
Fast from thoughts that weaken; feast on promises that inspire.
Fast from shadows of sorrow; feast on the sunlight of serenity.
Fast from idle gossip; feast on purposeful silence.

Fast from problems that overwhelm; feast on prayer that supports.

~William Arthur Ward

1 comment:

  1. I like that last list. ;)
    The cleaning list idea is great but I think people would have to make their own lists that are appropriate for where they actually live. NO mudroom here, for example--LOL!


Thanks for taking time to read my blog and share your comments. Have a great day!