Sunday, August 25, 2019

5x5 List - August 2019

There's a swap on Swap-Bot that is called a "5x5 List." It sounded like a fun and quick swap to do that would capture a moment in my life. It reminds me of the "3 in 30" challenge I did many years ago where I would list 3 goals to do in 30 days. There was a group and we all shared our progress with one another. It was a good way to be held accountable; and a great way to be inspired to do projects that I wanted to do for a long time.

Anyway...back to the 5x5 list:

Last 5 people you spoke to in person or by phone

Cashier at the grocery store (I got some food for a little campfire in the backyard that we'll be having tonight)

Next 5 projects you want to tackle

Looking towards September, I want to take regular time to be creative. As I look at my Pinterest board, there are so many ideas for projects I'd like to do.

- Create an engaging geometry curriculum for Olivia that combines art with geometry. There are a lot of ideas on my homeschooling Pinterest board including this one that looks at parabolic curves. Some interesting art work can be created when combining math and art.

- Make two mug rugs - one for Sophia and one to enter into the county fair next year. There's a cute one with a place for a beverage and a pocket for a cookie and another that has a side pocket and a lid to keep one's beverage warm.

- Make a scarecrow. Each year, the county fair has a category for making a scarecrow. This year, there was only one entry. I thought that this Fall I could make a couple of scarecrows and store them until next year for the fair.

- Start working on memory quilts. I have quite a bit of clothing and fabric from my parents; and quilt squares that my mom cut, but never finished into quilts. I'd like to spend time each week making memory quilts for my sister, brother, and daughters from my parents' clothing. I'd also like to complete the quilts that my mom started and give these to each of her grandchildren (there are nine).

- Take a class about soap making. A long time ago, I had a soapmaker teach a class when I was doing our farm camp program. I've been wanting to re-learn how to do this since Olivia took an interest in soap making last year. There's a class being offered in September at a local folk school that I signed up to do. Once I learn how to make soap, then I can teach Olivia.

Name 5 dream vacations you'd like to take

For me, a "dream vacation" is one that potentially I could take in the future. Of course, there are ones that I would love to take - like a multi-month, world-wide tour visiting all the continents - especially the two I have not been to yet (Africa and Antarctica). However, those will not happen, so I try to think more realistically about vacations that I would enjoy taking that have a chance of happening sometime in my life:

- The Great Northern Route - This would take me to some states I have not visited yet as well as some national parks - including Glacial National Park.

- Platte River Valley in Nebraska - I would want to go in the Spring to see the Sandhill Crane migration.

- Do a Driving Trip to See All the Continental States in the U.S. - I have seen most of the states in the U.S., but there are still some that I haven't seen. I would like to do this as well as re-visit some states and see some landmarks and national parks that I haven't seen yet.

- Antelope Canyon in Arizona - The geological formations and photos that people have taken here are amazing!

- Visit all the State Parks in Minnesota - Along the way, there are camper cabins throughout the state at many of the parks. I would stay at them to save money and also more fully explore the parks.

Name 5 streets/roads/highways near your home 

St. Croix Trail

Highway 97


Highway 8

Highway 61

List 5 things for which you are grateful 

- My family (that I grew up in). This is my dad, brother (infant), sister, and me on one of my early birthdays. My mom is taking the photo.

- My family (now) - including people and pets. The photo below is from a long time ago - probably about 8 or 10 years ago.

- That I have been able to homeschool my daughters and share in their joys as they learn

- That we have been able to find, raise, and release so many monarchs this year

- Being surrounded by nature and peacefulness every day


  1. Awesome! I especially like the art geometry idea and the soap making..well, and other things, too--LOL!
    BTW--don't give up on your dream of visiting every continent. Who knows what the future holds. ;)

  2. I always feel relaxed yet energized reading your blog posts - thanks for sharing such wonderful goals and accomplishments. I love, love, love the Memory Quilt project and love seeing your girls sweet hearts!


Thanks for taking time to read my blog and share your comments. Have a great day!