Tuesday, April 9, 2019

A to Z Challenge - Hairstyles for Sophia's Graduation Ceremony

During the month of April, I will be writing Monday through Saturday; and will exploring crafting, holidays, recipes, travel, and other items I've pinned on Pinterest. Each post will focus on a different letter of the alphabet. Today, I am focusing on the letter "H" and will be looking at my Hair board.

As I'm preparing for Sophia's high school graduation ceremony and party, I'm looking for ways to do my hair. A long time ago, I started a Pinterest board about Hair. As I was looking through the styles, some stood out as ones that I think would look nice at the ceremony:

I like the waves and hair off the face. It may be time to trade in my bangs or having hair that is off my face. I've tried it once before, but with shorter hair. Maybe it would be different with longer hair with more body.

Another one I like is having hair half pulled up and the length curled like this:

Another option is to pull up some of my hair and do a creative-looking bun. I think I would want more curls in the lower part, though.

This one is pretty - with hair pulled up and fastened on top with lots of curls:

As I look at the photos, there seems to be a pattern emerging. The first photo, now that I look at these together, may be more appropriate for a graduation party than the ceremony. 

Only 43 days until the graduation ceremony. Where did the time go?


  1. I'm envious of all these hairstyles. My hair only grows so long for some reason and has always been so very thin and straight as a stick. Even little girl barrettes slide right out of my hair--LOL! They all look gorgeous to me. :)

  2. A lot of planning. I came to USA for my daughter's graduation but no such planning. She might have done everything on her own. I appreciate her for it now. I shall tell her about this blog.

    A to Z participant Narayana Rao Resource Planning and Resourcing for Effective Operations


Thanks for taking time to read my blog and share your comments. Have a great day!