Wednesday, April 3, 2019

A to Z Challenge - Card Making (Flag-Fold Card)

During the month of April, I will be writing Monday through Saturday; and will exploring crafting, holidays, recipes, travel, and other items I've pinned on Pinterest. Each post will focus on a different letter of the alphabet. Today, I am focusing on the letter "C" and will be looking at my Card Making board.

One of the pins I found was for a tutorial for a flag-fold card on Beccy's Place. I have never made a flag-fold card before so having the tutorial with exact measurements helped. Instead of greeting card, I did a "Memories" card. It was a pre-printed cut-out that was included with the scrapbooking paper packet.

Each of the five "flags" on the inner folds would be great to write a memory on or attach a little snippet of a photo.

The front of the flags each have the decorative paper and the back side is plain.

With plenty of scrapbooking paper and cardstock from past projects, it was easy to find paper to use for the project without going out and buying sheets. This does not take a lot of paper or cardstock, and it is a great way to use up what you have on hand.

After doing one of the cards that I had pinned on my Card Making Pinterest board, it has encouraged me to go back and look at other cards I could make. 

With graduations coming up during the next couple of months as well as birthdays and holidays, there's always a need for cards. I might as well use what I have at home rather than purchasing cards with generic messages. In this way, people will know I took some extra time to create a card especially for them.

1 comment:

Thanks for taking time to read my blog and share your comments. Have a great day!