Thursday, January 31, 2019

Outdoor Mom's Journal - January 2019

During our outdoor time this week we went...outside briefly to the backyard and pasture. It was pretty cold out so I wore my face mask and a new hat that my friend, Yoshiko, sent me from Japan.

There was a beautiful sunset that night. Seeing the colors of the sunsets never gets old for me.

The most inspiring thing we experienced was...going to the Bell Museum for Olivia's 16th birthday. The museum used to be at the University of Minnesota for decades. For a couple of years, a new building was built and the dioramas were refurbished. 

They changed the glass between viewers and the dioramas, so it almost looks like you are part of the scene.

Many of the dioramas now have interactive informational displays. They definitely add new insight into what you're viewing.

There were birds and mammals that we don't normally see or have become extinct.

There was a section of the museum devoted to the Ice Age. I can't even begin to imagine walking around and seeing animals this size near me.

Our outdoor time made us ask (or wonder about)…are there certain types of art and sculpture that fare better in the winter and sub-zero temperatures? 

Olivia and I went to the Walker Art Center and went on a tour with a group from our local art center in the northeast suburbs. It was a pleasant day outside, so we walked in the sculpture garden and took some photos.

There have been a lot of changes to the garden - mostly the removal of sculptures, buildings, and vegetation. It's a lot different and less engaging than it used to be.

There were some familiar sculptures that we saw when the girls were younger. Many, though, have been moved elsewhere. There are new sculptures, but not as many as there used to be. I remember being able to spend a lot of time in the garden. Now, we were able to walk through the entire space in less than a half hour.

In the garden, we are planning/planting/harvesting...nothing. It's too cold to even think about planting and harvesting.

I added nature journal pages about...daily things I'm observing in nature. I'm using a new nature journal which I'm really enjoying. There's a calendar where I put a note or two about what I see outside; and then blocks where I can write in greater detail. I'm also keeping track of the birds that I see this month.

I am reading...
nothing related to nature. 

I am dreaming about…
warmer weather. It's been a challenging and cold month!

A photo I would like to share...
actually, there are few photos from the fireworks show on January 26th that Sophia and I went to. It was about 8 degrees below zero, but felt a lot colder because of the wind. 

The fireworks were beautiful; and she was excited to see them since she's been in Arizona for the past two years at a leadership camp on the 4th of July.

I'm happy that we went to see the fireworks. It was a nice way to wrap up the end of the month!

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