Sunday, September 30, 2018

Outdoor Mom's Journal - September 2018

During our outdoor time this month we Taco Daze on September 8th where we saw an owl from the Wildlife Science Center. It is such a beautiful bird.

In the middle of the month, I traveled to Columbus, Ohio, with the Lions Club to attend a leadership convention. On September 20th, I participated in a walk to raise awareness about diabetes. It had to be about 90 degrees that day with super high humidity. Thankfully, it was a relatively short walk and we could return to air conditioning later that afternoon.

On September 26th, Sophia and I spent time at a park in Edina to take her senior photos. The photographer thought this would be a lovely location for Sophia, and it was. Here's the fountain - the showpiece in one of the gardens.

One set of the photos was taken by a hedge. The four roses on the ground are ones we brought that represent each member of our family.

There was a flower floating in the fountain.

On September 29th, we went to do some exploring around our area. We stopped by Eichtens - a local restaurant - and saw these pretty flowers.

Afterwards, we went to the apple orchard and looked at all the apples on the trees. We bought some apples to enjoy at home.

We didn't pick any apples from the trees. We bought the ones that were already picked in the little store at the orchard.

The most inspiring thing we experienced was...seeing a variety of flowers still blooming this month. On September 14th, one of the rose bushes was still producing beautiful flowers.

These white flowers were blooming in Columbus on September 21st.

Even at the end of the month, on September 26th, there were beautiful flowers. A few days later, though, there was a frost and the flowers were done for the season.

This is another flower at the park in Edina that had gorgeous flower beds.

This is one of my favorite types of flowers with the variety of bold colors all in one bunch.

The simple white flowers were in another garden - kind of a moon or evening-type garden.

Our outdoor time made us ask (or wonder about)...
what type of flower these purple ones are that I was given by a friend. She got them at a local woman's home who has a wide variety of unusual flowers.

On September 29th the flowers were still doing well. They grew a lot taller than I anticipated.

In the garden, we are planning/planting/harvesting...on September 1st, the girls and I helped plant two gardens with a variety of trees, bushes, and perennials at an intersection in town.

The gardens are on the southwest and southeast sides of the intersection and look really nice. 

There are a variety of colors of perennials; and types of plants. 

This was a joint project between our Lions and Leo Clubs, the City, an environmental group, and community volunteers.

It was nice to do this legacy project for the community to enjoy.

Whenever we pass by this intersection now, we can remember our time planting and helping make the community beautiful.

I added nature journal pages about...
I did not work on my nature journal this month.

I am reading...
nothing related to nature. Homeschooling has started again and it is taking a lot of my time.

I am dreaming about…
days when there are no flies, boxelder bugs, hornets, and wasps. It seems like it has been a particularly challenging year with these pests.

A photo I would like to share...
the milkweed pods are drying out and getting ready to spread their seeds. It's just a matter of a week or so now.

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