Friday, August 24, 2018

Scavenger Hunt - August 2018

This month I participated in a swap on Swap-Bot called "Scavenger Hunt" in which participants were challenged to find five and photograph five items. Below are the items and my photographs:

Something cluttered

This is the top of a bookshelf that I am working on right now. There is a system of organization, though not apparent by this photo.

Under the weights and foam rectangle are ideas for service projects for a teen club I'm co-leading.

Next to that is a pile of paperwork that I need to go through and do. My goal is to finish this by the end of August.

The next pile are two English books for the girls and then magazines and other periodicals I want to read and recycle.

The last pile is a stack of vendor registration forms for an upcoming event I'm organizing; and the top sheet is a map of the layout of where the vendors will be located. This pile will be gone after September 8th.

On the shelf below this are homeschooling resources that I need to go through during the upcoming week as I finish laying out the upcoming school year.

Something that is heart-shaped or has a heart on it

Aspen, our Siberian Husky/American Staffordshire Terrier mix wears a heart-shaped identification tag on her collar.

We adopted Aspen from a local humane society who worked with a rescue agency in Texas to get her out of a high-kill shelter when she was only six weeks old. She was part of a 11-puppy litter that was going to be euthanized. Thankfully, they were able to get her out in time.

She had to overcome a lot of fears - especially of men. She is a very protective dog of all of us; and a great watchdog. We are so happy to have her as part of our family.

Something you're proud of

I learned to do Saori weaving last year and enjoyed it. During May of this year, I took another Saori weaving session and make another table runner. Below is the one I made this year.

There are a variety of different types of yarn as well as colorful pieces of roving. The result is a very tactile piece that has a variety of textures.

Something older than you

This is a set that was in the bathroom that my sister, brother, and I used when we were growing up. It was from my step-grandmother on my dad's side. My grandpa's first wife, Olivia, passed away six weeks after I was born. His second wife, Esther, was the grandmother I knew when I was growing up. She passed away when I was about eight years old.

This set was something our family inherited, and ultimately - somehow - it was something that became mine when I was a young girl. I don't know if Esther intended it to be for me, or if my parents decided it was for me. What I did notice is that the angel has "June" on her dress - my birth month.

The perfume bottle broke when I was growing up and we glued it back together. So, there's a visible crack where the two pieces meet. There's also a little piece missing from the powder container. Regardless of these imperfections, this set is very meaningful to me and brings back memories of my grandparents and visiting them in Illinois many times as a child.

A beautiful or intriguing cloud/sunset/sunrise picture

I had trouble choosing only photo for this one. On the 21st, I took Olivia to her rifle practice. Sophia joined us too; and on our way back home we noticed unusual clouds. To the west of us, there were clouds that were flat on the bottom. The best view of the clouds we had was at our home looking to the west over the pasture.

To our east on the drive home, we spotted a partial rainbow about 15 minutes from home. By the time we came home, we could see a full rainbow. This is the view of the rainbow as I looked to the east. Unfortunately, there are electric lines in the photo...however that's the best view of the rainbow.

On the same night, there were beautifully-colored clouds to the west. It's amazing how facing one direction the clouds are pinks and purples; and the other side they are more blues and oranges.

Perhaps the sun setting (also on the same night at about the same time) had something to do with the rainbow and dramatic clouds. This is the road in front of our home looking to the west as the sun is setting by the cornfield.

It was fun doing this challenge, and I enjoyed spending time over the past couple of weeks looking for things that fit each category.

1 comment:

Thanks for taking time to read my blog and share your comments. Have a great day!