Saturday, June 30, 2018

Outdoor Mom's Journal - June 2018

During our outdoor time this week we Cascade Falls in Osceola, Wisconsin. Olivia crossed the stream and climbed behind the waterfall.

Sophia, Olivia, and I enjoyed watching the water fall down and hit the rocks in the stream. 

On June 17th, we went on a hike at Lake Maria State Park. None of us had been there before, so it was one more state park we could mark off on our list that we saw.

Later in the month, on June 20th, we went to the farmers market. We coordinated a mini-One Stop Donation Drop that included a visit from the Wildlife Science Center. Bob, from the WSC, brought a broad-winged hawk as well as many pelts from a variety of animals.

Olivia enjoyed talking with Bob and learning more about the hawk.

The most inspiring thing we experienced was...visiting the rose garden in St. Cloud. There were so many different types of roses - all beautiful. I particularly liked one called "Fruity Petals" that had a subtle blend of colors on each layer of petals.

It was a bit rainy at the rose garden, but that didn't deter Olivia, Sophia, and I from enjoying the flowers.

It made for some interesting photos with the raindrops on the flowers' petals.

Our outdoor time made us ask (or wonder about)...
what type of animal or bird made the huge holes in a tree at Lake Maria State Park?

I'm thinking it was a pileated woodpecker by the size and shape, but I'm not sure.

In the garden, we are planning/planting/harvesting...
we're not harvesting anything except herbs yet since we just planted vegetables late last month.

The chives are doing well and attracting lots of bees.

We are enjoying the flowers that are blooming around the farm. We have a tri-color hibiscus tree. Below is one of the colors of the flowers.

Our peony bed is in full bloom. 

I am SO happy to see that one of the roses from my parents that burned in the May 5th fire is starting to grow again! I thought I lost all nine roses. However, three have since come back. Even though it isn't all of them, at least there are a few survivors.

The wild columbine is blooming. These were transplanted from someone who lived down the road from us who was moving. She asked if we wanted any hostas, ferns, or wild comlumbines. We took some of all three. They all are growing under our big pine trees that are right by the driveway and road.

I purchased quite a few perennials from a greenhouse that does short-season sales. They wrap up their business on June 30th with 50% off all perennials. I waited until June 30th so I could purchase perennials to plant in our butterfly garden in the backyard and under one of the pine trees by the driveway.

Below is a plant called Coral Bells which likes shade. So, it is under the pine trees in the front yard.

I also bought two blueberry plants; and am excited to see quite a few blueberries growing on the plants already.

I added nature journal pages about...
nothing yet. I'm still thinking about what I want to focus on for June.

I am reading...
nothing related to nature at this point. I've been focused a lot on the construction projects that are happening here at the farm. There have been 14 loads of fill brought in so far for the base of the concrete pad that the garage will be built upon.

Another project - unrelated to the fire - happened to the house when excessive rain caused a mudslide into the basement. That huge pile of dirt - "the volcano" as we termed it because it looked like one from the other side - came from the excavated area where the steps led to the cellar. 

The amount of time needed to deal with the contractors, sub-contractors, and insurance adjuster has been rather overwhelming. It's like having a part-time job dealing with the reconstruction and building of different elements of the house and outbuildings.

I am dreaming about…
going on walks on the back part of the property again.

I forgot how beautiful and open it is out there. Now that the evergreens have grown in, the houses in the development are - for the most part - blocked from view which is nice. It's much more secluded like it used to be. The view above is looking south.

Two photos I would like to share...
one is of a blue flag iris that is a wildflower that is doing exceptionally well in our wetland. We didn't have these when we first moved here, so it's been interesting watching them spread and multiply throughout the years.

The other photo is of a yellow iris that is from my parents' home. I dug up and transplanted many of these before we sold the house so that we could enjoy them here at the farm. 

I'm so happy that I did that because they did so well this year - all bloomed and provided such cheerful color along the driveway and outside the dining room window.

Thank you to Barb the Outdoor Hour Challenge for the idea of doing an Outdoor Mom's Journal.

1 comment:

  1. Standing behind a waterfall must be so cool! I love that fruity petal rose, too...and you have so many beautiful flowers growing around on your land. I'm glad some of the roses from your folks have started to come back. I wouldn't give up on the rest of them for a while yet. :)


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