Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Hobbies that Begin with "K" - Blogging from A to Z Challenge

During the 2018 Blogging from A to Z Challenge, I will be focusing on hobbies that I have introduced to my daughters to through their childhood and teen years. Some were done as part of homeschooling, while others were areas that we explored because we were interested in the subject or activity. These are hobbies that anyone of any age could try as well.


Looking back on Sophia's and Olivia's childhood and teen years, we have explored several hobbies that begin with the letter "K": kayaking; kids arts and crafts; kits; and knitting.


On June 5, 2013, we tried kayaking for the first time on Gunflint Lake.

There was a strong wind, so there were some waves on the lake which we thought would be challenging since the kayaks are so low to the water.

On the contrary, they were stable and we enjoyed the experience. What made it even better for us was that these were sea kayaks so they had rudders. We could steer the kayak if we needed to do so!

The scenery was beautiful and it was relaxing going around the shoreline.

We had a different perspective than what we normally had when we went hiking.

About a year later, on July 12, 2014, we went sea kayaking on Lake Superior near Split Rock Lighthouse. This time we had to wear wetsuits and water shoes since Lake Superior is significantly colder than in the inland lakes.

We were able to see the rocky cliffs along the shore.

There was a shipwreck (The Madeira) that we were able to see since the water was so calm and parts of it are anywhere from 20-110 feet under the surface. The Madeira was a 436 foot steel-hull ship that ran into Gold Rock just north of Split Rock Lighthouse during the storm on November 4, 1905.

The lighthouse wasn't there at the time. During the storm, 29 ships were lost. The lighthouse was built in response to these losses.

One of the neat things that you also can't see from the lighthouse are the caves along the shoreline. They are big enough for kayaks to go into and explore was a lot of fun.

We are wanting to do more kayaking, but have not been able to locate a place that rents the sea kayaks (with rudders). It may come to us learning how to use a kayak without a rudder, and strengthening our paddling skills instead.

Kids Arts and Crafts

When the girls were younger, we did a lot of arts and crafts. One of the things they enjoyed was marble painting.

February 7, 2008

Sophia and Olivia also enjoyed fabric painting. Below, Olivia is painting a purse with fabric paint.

November 5, 2008

We did projects around the holidays.

December 1, 2008

The girls used a variety of materials - including Mod Podge - with their arts and crafts.

December 1, 2008

We did projects that helped wildlife - like embellishing birdhouses with colorful gems, stones, shells, and moss.

May 4, 2009

One of the projects that Sophia learned how to do was make beeswax ornaments. She melted the beeswax and then put them in vintage cookie molds. 

December 17, 2010

They turned out beautifully and the brighter the sunlight, the more they seemed to glow.

On June 12, 2011, the girls began decorating for 4th of July. They made origami cranes which they hung on branches in a vase with some red and white marbles.

They also decorated paper bags.

The bags were used to collect candy at the 4th of July parade.


When Sophia and Olivia were younger, there seemed to be quite a few kits for various craft projects for kids. One of Olivia's favorite kits was one in which she could make daisies and then string them together to create a headband and necklace.

January 30, 2007

She enjoyed gluing the daisies together and then dressing up with her flower jewelry. We were staying at a cabin at a lodge on the Gunflint Trail when she made the daisy jewelry.

January 30, 2007

The time at the cabin was filled with crafts, dress-up times, and trying new recipes. It was a fun "girls getaway" when they were 4 and 6 years old.

Another kit we used was one with supplies to make fairies. The girls made fairies and then posed them outdoors.

October 9, 2007

I took photos of them and they created stories with their fairy-characters.


For a brief period in 2010, the girls learned how to knit at Darn Knit in Stillwater. Below, Sophia is knitting while Eenie sits on her lap.

March 17, 2010

My mom (the girls' grandma) was an excellent knitter. She had many patterns as well as projects she started and didn't finish before she died. Hopefully, one day, the girls will take a look at the projects that their grandma started and want to finish them.


  1. Those are some precious memories! And the beeswax sun catchers do seem to glow!

  2. I used to live on the east coast. I enjoyed kayaking a lot, but I've never used one with a rudder! It seems like it would be more difficult and require a third hand!

    These are sweet memories that you are creating.

  3. I'm rather envious of your girls - they've had so many opportunities to find things they enjoy. We never had the range of interesting hobbies and activities available to us as children and I couldn't afford them for my own kids - so I hope your girls appreciate how blessed they are to have been exposed to so many wonderful skills.

    Leanne |
    K for Keep Trying

  4. Kayaks with rudders are the way to go! I can't believe how effortless they make kayaking. As usual, I love seeing the things you've done with your family. Melanie's Stories

  5. The kayaking looks like fun.

    As for unfinished knitting projects, it might be better to unravel and reuse the yarn. That's what I did with my great-grandmother's projects after she passed.

  6. Hi Ann, So fun to see your pictures. I live in Minnesota just north of the Twin Cities, so we love the North Shore. The only time we have kayaked, though, is at Itaska. It was great fun. Have a blessed day!


Thanks for taking time to read my blog and share your comments. Have a great day!