Thursday, April 5, 2018

Hobbies that Begin with "F" - Blogging from A to Z Challenge

During the 2018 Blogging from A to Z Challenge, I will be focusing on hobbies that I have introduced to my daughters to through their childhood and teen years. Some were done as part of homeschooling, while others were areas that we explored because we were interested in the subject or activity. These are hobbies that anyone of any age could try as well.


These are some of the hobbies that the girls have been introduced to during their childhood and teen years: falconry, felting, fencing, firearms, fishing, and flower arranging.


We were having lunch with friends one day at the Scandia Café. When we left to go to our car, there was a gentleman who had a falcon in the back of his car.

September 13, 2012

He shared with us about the hobby of falconry, and let the girls touch the falcon. It was interesting learning about falconry - something that we don't see each day.


Sophia and Olivia began felting when they were 7 and 5 years old respectively. There are two types of felting - wet-felting and needle-felting. I taught them how to do needle-felting because it was something they could do wherever they were and they wouldn't get wet in the process.

For her second project, Olivia made a heart with different colors of wool. She used the barbed needles for needle-felting well, and didn't poke her fingers with the needles once. She was proud of her project.

January 25, 2008

For Easter one year, I taught the girls and their friends who were in a home economics class I taught at the homeschool co-op how to make needle-felted eggs.

They chose from a variety of colors of wool, and then used the barbed needles to attach the wool to the Styrofoam egg shapes.

March 30, 2009

The girls were so focused while they worked.

March 30, 2009

They did a base color and then added colorful wool embellishments to their felted Easter eggs.

April 6, 2009

They also made toys - like felted balls - that they could use for decoration and/or play.

December 3, 2009


The girls did fencing on February 18, 2016, at the Minnesota Sword Club in Minneapolis. They had never done fencing before so it was a good introduction to the sport and hobby.

There was gear that they had to wear to cover their bodies and heads.

They practiced different positions and stances; and had fun fencing.

It was a fun way to spend a cold winter day in Minnesota.


The girls' first introduction to guns was at an educational program held at Fort Snelling. These men are showing the type of guns that would have been used during WWII.

September 14, 2007

We were traveling throughout the New England States and visited a store that had guns on display. As we were looking at them, we realized that they were about as long as Olivia was tall.

September 9, 2011

One November 23, 2013, we went to the Minnesota Waldorf School for the holiday fair. The girls wanted to play a game with riffles that had foam bullets. 

The goal was to aim at the knights on the castle and hit them.

It was something that they don't normally do, yet they had a lot of fun trying to aim at the targets.

In 2018, Olivia is studying to get a license to use a gun so she can do trap shooting. She is going through firearms safety training during March and April; and will have a field day test on April 28th.

Her uncle (my brother) is loaning her two guns so she can get comfortable with them before the field day test.

So, on Easter (April 1, 2018), Olivia learned the proper way to hold a rifle and to stand as she takes aim.

Her younger cousin, who enjoys target practice, showed her how to load and unload a gun.

The one pictured above belonged to my dad, so there's a special connection there. Olivia said she preferred my dad's gun and would most likely use that one for her field day test.


The girls learned about fish and their parts at a youth program at Interstate State Park in 2012. They did fish painting (using rubber fish) and learned about fishing.

June 15, 2012

On June 7, 2014, the girls and I stayed at Wild River State Park and did the I Can! Camp program. One of the activities offered during the camping stay was learning how to fish.

We did some fishing off a bridge in the park overlooking a river.

They learn to cast and how to bait a hook.

They didn't catch anything at that location, so we changed spots to the St. Croix River and the boat launch there.

It was a relaxing way to spend the day.

Flower Arranging

In 2013, we did a lesson about etiquette. The girls set the table using the good China dishes and silverware; and created flower arrangements.

April 4, 2013

We used a bouquet from the store and they made several smaller floral arrangements.

April 4, 2013

On May 9, 2015, we brought floral arrangements to the nursing home and decorated the tables in the different living areas.

It was Mother's Day weekend, so the tables looked nice for family visits.

We visited with some of the residents and their families while we were there.

We brought flowers also for people who were special to us and made a point of visiting each time we were there.

Often, when we go the farmers market, we will get a bouquet of flowers to bring home to create many smaller vases of flowers. These brighten up our home and lift our spirits.


  1. Nice F hobbies. They're all good practical skills at which to be proficient, I think.

  2. Such lovely pictures & that bird looks massive

    Tongue Twister for F

  3. This is great! I was interested in your topic before I realized that these were all hobbies your family had actually tried!I think that is awesome.
    Melanie's Stories

  4. Something I loved about homeschooling was the number of things my children got to experience. I love that your girls are learning all sorts of things even if they only do it once.
    That's a great list for "F"

  5. Nice photos with wonderful post. I would like to try felting. :)

  6. So many hobbies that begin with F and such an eclectic assortment - from fishing to flower arrangement. Fabulous.


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