Sunday, February 11, 2018

Volunteering for 2018

As the year is progressing, I've been thinking about what I want to do in terms of volunteering. Some goals that I have for volunteering are to:

- Continue volunteering at the nursing home at least twice a month. Help with activities and/or meet one-on-one with residents who need encouragement and someone to listen to them.

Sophia with one of the residents who is 104 years old.

- Continue volunteering at the humane society while Sophia plays the harp. Provide one-on-one time with the dogs who we spend time with during the music therapy sessions.

Sophia playing the harp while Olivia pets a dog.

- Co-lead the Leo Club; and help oversee or encourage the teens' participation in 1-2 service projects or activities per month.

- Be the membership chairperson for the Lions Club until June 2018. See at that time if I'm nominated to continue in that role.

- Be a board member for the Lions Club Foundation until June 2018. See at that time if my term is renewed or that finishes the appointment.

- Conduct at least two membership/service events for the Lions Club.

January's service event with the Lions Club.

- Explore ideas that the Leo Club could do. Some ideas:

   => Have the Minnesota Search and Rescue Dog Association do a free demonstration. They can do a video presentation or an instructional class on the use of search dogs. Their contact number is 763-427-1212.

    => Do a shoe drive for Soles4Souls. There are even trips that can be taken to third-world countries to distribute the shoes which would be very rewarding. (Maybe that's more of a long-term family goals than it is a Leo Club goal.)

     => Deliver new books at a nearby hospital for the children who happen to be there on Christmas. Donate to a general hospital (rather than children's hospital which gets many donations around the holidays).

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