Tuesday, December 5, 2017

The Simple Woman's Daybook - December 5, 2017

For Today...

Looking out my window...the trees and ground are covered with snow that fell last night. It's quite beautiful - almost like a painting.

I am thinking...about Sophia who is observing surgeries this morning. Her podiatrist/surgeon who did the two bunion surgeries on her is giving her the opportunity to watch several surgeries he's doing today - including a bunion surgery. This experience will be part of a 4-H project that she's doing on the surgical removal of bunions.

I am thankful...that my foot surgery went well a couple of weeks ago and that my foot is healing.

There's still some swelling on the top of the foot.
The titanium screws are holding the bones in place.
The joint capsule now is enclosed (it was leaking fluid before); and
the cartilage is repaired.

One of my favorite things...beautiful sunsets that color the entire sky. This is the view from the  upstairs bedroom window looking west.

I am creating...fleece-tied blankets. We are needing to tie six more blankets to put in the comfort bags this week so we can deliver them by Monday to the oncology unit at Children's Hospital.

I am wearing...my typical outfit - black shirt under a black cardigan, jeans, and black clogs. Actually, only one clog. The left foot is still in a surgical boot. Two socks that don't match - a black one to cover the binding on my left foot and a white one on the right foot.

I am listening to...songs that I've downloaded onto my computer. Have my headphones on so I'm in my own world.

I am hoping...that some of the ice melts on the roads so that it is easier doing errands today. Thankfully, we arrived safely at the hospital this morning after driving on the ice-covered roads.

I am learning...to slow down and try to do one thing at a time. I'm trying to be present with each thing that I'm doing - particularly with my family.

In my kitchen...we are doing some fun and new meals for Chalica (a Unitarian Universalist holiday that is the first week of December). Last night, the theme was "favorites" - each person had her/his favorite item represented in the meal. Olivia wanted Papa Murphy's pizza, Sophia wanted sparkling grape juice, Paige wanted bratwurst, and I wanted fresh fruit (blueberries and raspberries).

This week we'll be making some recipes that I've had in my "want to make" binder for years. One recipe I've held onto for 17 years. Finally will be making it this week!

In the school room...Olivia is making good progress on math this year (Pre-Algebra). She'll be starting Algebra next week. She's enjoying the classes she's taking at the homeschool co-op: photography, public speaking, critical thinking/study skills, and piano lessons.

Picture of a caterpillar that Olivia took in September.
We had never seen this type of caterpillar before.
It's an Eastern Tiger Swallowtail caterpillar.

Sophia is wrapping up her first semester of PSEO courses. She's doing very well - 98% in Social Entrepreneurship and 95% in American Government. She's been able to do her other high school courses on top of the PSEO courses.

In my garden...everything is now covered by snow. I didn't put down straw this year yet on the roses or bulb gardens because it has been unseasonably warm. I should do that now that it is cold.

Board room...I found this pin on Pinterest that shows how to make a Saran Wrap ball for a game that we will be playing at Christmas. I was looking for different things to create fun memories and take the focus off of receiving presents, and came across this game.

I'm going to create two different ones - one for adults and one for kids.

Post Script...I've been getting orders for window stars and Sophia's harp CD in my Etsy shop. It's been fun making window stars for customers.

I'm going to make an Christmas tree shape out of window stars. I'm hoping it will work. Have seen it done with doilies and thought it would be interesting to see if it would work the various patterns of window stars.

Shared Quote...

A moment from my day...on Saturday Sophia hosted a blood drive and oversaw the creation of 30 comfort bags for children with cancer who are undergoing chemotherapy and needing a blood transfusion (or multiple transfusions).

It was nice to see our family and friends support her; and to have children who were attending the homeschool holiday fair come to help fill the bags and tie fleece-tied blankets.

Sophia with Brenda. She used to be director of the humane society where we volunteer.
She helped match us with dogs and puppies that came the humane society.
She has become a good friend of the family.

Closing Notes...this picture was taken of Scooby last week. We took him by himself on a car ride. Initially, he seemed concerned and wasn't enjoying the ride. I think he thought something bad was going to happen to him.

When I dropped Sophia off for her harp lesson, I took him on a 20-minute walk to a lake where he put his paws in the water, ran happily down the road with me, and fetched a tennis ball. This is his expression when we got back into the car.

He was so happy after the walk and knew that the purpose of the car ride was something fun. He's such a good dog. He's ten years old and it's been close to a year that we've had him and his brother.


  1. What a happy, positive post. Packed full. Love the picture of Scooby after his walk!! Stay warm. :)

  2. Thank you for sharing your world with us today! You lead a very busy life and are teaching your children some great things with all you do. We don't see snow much around here but we are expecting a bit overnight tonight, maybe. LOL I loved the happy puppy photo! What a sweet dog. Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier. Have a great day!

  3. Enjoyed your daybook thoughts and photos! Sounds like you lead a very busy very happy life :) Your pup is adorable!

  4. Love your sunset picture. We have been having some amazing sunrises here. I just love watching the beauty of them with a cup of coffee in the morning. Thanks for sharing your daybook :)


Thanks for taking time to read my blog and share your comments. Have a great day!