Friday, December 29, 2017

Something that Made Me Happy this Past Month

On Swap-Bot, I signed up for a swap in which I share with three partners something that made me happy this past month. Below are some things that stand out for me:

Event I attended...Christmas Day at my sister's condo was wonderful. There were 17 people in the community room.

We had a delicious dinner that my sister and brother contributed to; and desserts that we brought.

We played games together and there was a lot of laughter.

Game I played...I created two Saran Wrap ball games to play on Christmas - one for kids/teens under 18 and one for adults. No one had played the game before so we didn't know what to expect.

Each ball was filled with a variety of gifts and candies. Below are the items that were in the youth Saran Wrap ball before they were wrapped up.

Sophia is holding one of the Saran Wrap balls that is filled with gifts.

It brought out the competitive side of everyone as each person tried to roll doubles so they could have a shot at unwrapping the Saran Wrap ball.

After seeing how much fun everyone had, I'm going to look for some Easter gifts that we can play. I think having fun together - laughing together - is so important to creating memories that we look back on and enjoy.

Donation we made...Sophia received a grant and contributions to create 30 comfort bags for children with cancer who are undergoing chemotherapy. Below is an example of what was in one of the comfort bags.

For half of the bags, we and volunteers made fleece-tied blankets. Eight of the blankets were made early in December at a blood drive that Sophia hosted. The other six we made at home - including the one pictured below.

On the 22nd of December, we brought the 30 bags to the Children's Hospital in Minneapolis.

People I spent time with...on Wednesday, December 27th, my nephew's girlfriend and her younger brother and sister spent time with Sophia, Olivia, and me. We enjoyed breakfast together (Strata with Ham and Cheese; fresh fruit; apple cider; and milk).

Later in the morning, my sister came over and all the teens/adult women (with the exception of me) played games together. I made lunch for everyone (chili and wild rice soup); and after lunch "Little Joe" (who is Sharlee's 18 year "little" brother) and I went for a walk on the back part of the farm.

He really wanted to go on a walk, so I took him around the east pasture and back (natural) part of the farm. Joe pointed out different tracks, rabbit dens, and trails (fresh and old). It was interesting to hear his perspective and insight.

They are from the Lac du Flambeau tribe in northern Wisconsin. We hope to visit the reservation this summer and meet the rest of their family as well as explore the area. Sharlee thought it would be fun for us to go wild ricing which I would love to do!

Thing in nature I saw...I filled five birdfeeders on Christmas Day because it was very cold and I wanted to make sure the birds had easily-accessible food. Within 15 minutes, the little black-capped chickadees were at one of the feeders - a constant stream of bird-traffic.

Some time later, they found the second and third feeders by the kitchen and dining room windows. Again, a little line-up of birds waiting in the trees to get a seed.

On the day after Christmas, they found the feeder by my bedroom window and in the backyard.

The chickadees are always the first ones to find the birdseed when I fill the feeders. The other birds will eventually join them. So far, I've seen woodpeckers, a northern flicker, blue jays, and juncos. Still waiting for the cardinals and finches. They'll come...eventually.

1 comment:

Thanks for taking time to read my blog and share your comments. Have a great day!