Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Wednesday HodgePodge - August 9, 2017

1. Do you try to set rules for yourself about how you use your time? Explain.

Rules for how to use my time probably would be beneficial. If I had a set amount of time I would spend on each activity that I'm responsible for and/or enjoy doing, my life could be more well-rounded and balanced.

In the past, I've overcommitted myself to both work and volunteering. Having a fixed amount of time for things that could especially be time-consuming would ensure that other areas and people in my life are receiving enough attention.

2. Monday was National Lighthouse Day. Have you ever visited a lighthouse? If not, do you have any desire to see one up close?

Living in Minnesota, there are quite a few lighthouses along Lake Superior.

Split Rock Lighthouse
June 4, 2013

Two Harbors Lighthouse
June 4, 2013

Sometimes we are able to get right next to a lighthouse, like this one in Grand Marais (Minnesota). Sophia and Olivia are standing by it on the left-hand side.

Grand Marais Lighthouse
September 9, 2010

Other times, we get close enough to see a lighthouse and are okay with not going closer. In the picture below, the girls were 5 and 7 years old; and we were going up north on one of our "Not Back to School" trips (the first week of September when non-homeschooled kids go back to school).

The wind was brisk, it was chilly, and the girls were good sports about having their picture taken on the Lift Bridge in Duluth. Then it was time to quickly walk back to the car where they could sit with the heat on and under their blankets.

Duluth Lighthouse
September 6, 2008

Duluth has a few lighthouses to mark the shoreline as well as the canal. The photo below shows the lighthouse on the other side of the opening of the canal leading to the Lift Bridge.

Another lighthouse in Duluth, Minnesota. 
April 17, 2008

Even on trips, we like to see lighthouses. The one below is at Cape Elizabeth, Maine. There's a beautiful view of the coastline and surroundings - especially near the base of the lighthouse. The fog horn was sounding throughout the entire time Sophia, Olivia, and I were there.

Lighthouse at Cape Elizabeth.
September 9, 2011

Of the 10 Most Beautiful that made this list which would you most like to see in person-

Lindau Lighthouse (Germany), Fanad Lighthouse (Ireland), Portland Head Light (Maine), Yaquina Bay Light (Oregon) The St. Augustine Light (Florida), Peggys Point Lighthouse (Canada), Start Point Lighthouse (England), Tower of Hercules (Spain), Bass Harbor Head Station (Maine), and White Shoal Light (Michigan).

I'd like to see the White Shoal Light because I've never seen a striped lighthouse. When I was little (an infant), I went to this general area with my parents. I'd like to see where they took me since I (obviously) don't remember the trip.

When you've been away, what's your 'lighthouse' telling you you're on the right road home?

What immediately comes to mind when I read that question was driving back from being up north and seeing signs for the Twin Cities and then the markers for the different counties that are more familiar.

Turning onto the highway that heads east towards the St. Croix River - near where we live - always gives me the feeling that I'm almost home. It's a good feeling knowing that I'll be at a place where I truly enjoy living.

When I hear the welcome by the dogs - Cooper, Aspen, Scooby, and Danny - yowling like wolves...I know that I'm being called home. The pack was waiting for my return.

3. What have you unintentionally stopped doing? Is this something you need to pick back up and begin again, or is it something you need to let go of for now (or even permanently)?

During the past few couple of years, I stopped crafting, nature journaling, going on nature walks, and walks with the dogs as much as I use to do. Volunteering consumed way too many hours of my time.

All these things are important to me, and I want to get in the habit of integrating them into my daily life again.

4. We've had a full week of August. Share a GRAND moment from your month so far.

The county fair was this past week; and Sophia, Olivia, and I entered projects again this year. It's something we all enjoy doing. The girls each had 23 projects they entered in various categories - needlework, quilting, woodworking, collections, baking, food preservation, photography, crafts, and fine arts. We had projects in all the exhibit buildings except flowers and plants.

For each category, a judge can only give out six ribbons. So, for example, if there are 15 entries, only six can get ribbons and nine won't receive anything.

This year, Olivia won a ribbon for each project she entered which is fantastic! Needless to say, she was very happy. She won a reserve championship ribbon for her stamp collection about North American animals.

Sophia did very well also. Photography was the only area that she didn't receive ribbons. The competition against adults (the category she is in now) is difficult and inundated with entries. She won a grand champion ribbon for her digital scrapbook about the 16 service projects and activities she did on her 16th birthday and a reserve champion ribbon for her dried cinnamon-sugar apples.

I received ribbons for all my projects except two in the needlearts - one was a quilted table runner and the other a mug rug. The latter had to machine sewn and not embroidered. Oh well. Now I know.

I received a grand champion ribbon for my collections of poems that I wrote, a grand champion ribbon for my dried cinnamon apples, and a reserve champion ribbon for my caramel-peanut candies.

5. Tell us one song you love with the word 'baby' in the title.

Nothing comes to mind.

6.  Insert your own random thought here.

Sophia had surgery to remove a bunion on her left foot. She went for her two-week check-up yesterday and it went well. She is scheduled for surgery on her right foot for the day after Labor Day.

The right side of the photo is before surgery:
a 32-degree angle of her big toe/foot.
The left side of the photo is two weeks after surgery:
only a 14-degree angle.
Most people have a 10-12-degree angle in their feet,
so this is much better and healthier for her.

Hopefully these surgeries significantly reduce the daily pain she has felt in both of her feet; and gives her an opportunity to stand for longer periods of time and do more activities.

A side benefit - which she is looking forward to - is that she'll be able to wear more styles of shoes since her toes aren't bent at an uncomfortable angle.


  1. I sure hope the surgery helps alleviate the pain your daughter has had. It must be so wearing, to have to live with daily pain.
    The number of fair projects they're involved in is amazing! I'm glad you all enjoy it. I haven't been to the county fair for a few years. That's something I've unintentionally stopped doing!

  2. These are great lighthouse pictures. Homeschooling is definitely the way to go for many people. We did that and are glad we did. We even wrote a book about it. Have a great week.

  3. I hope that all goes well for Sophia and her feet. She's in my prayers.

    Wow! You gals did great at the fair! I've never entered anything in a fair. I would love to, but don't have a clue how to go about doing it, how much it costs, or any details...or who to ask around here.

    I enjoyed your photos. That red lighthouse (Two Harbors Lighthouse) reminds me of a church that I've seen before. It is beautiful. :)

    Have a blessed week.

  4. Hope the surgery improves her choices! :)

    I've only seen the lighthouses from far away in Duluth and Grand Marais.

    I've fallen away from art and have recently just been drawing and coloring little flowers and leaves (from a book-copying) and it feels wonderful. I have missed doing something more artsy, I guess.

    Congrats to all of you on your ribbons!! Have a great day tomorrow. :)

  5. Wow, you all cleaned up at the fair!
    Glad your daughters surgery went well!
    Pretty lighthouses 🙂

  6. Congratulations to you and your daughters for all of your accomplishments on your fair exhibits! What a talented family!
    I'm glad your daughter has one surgery behind her, and that her foot is doing so well.
    Kathy (Reflections by Kathy)

  7. Congratulations on all those ribbons. You all did really well. I hope your daughter is not in too much pain following her surgery. I had bunions on both feet and they were operated on at the same time back when I was 14 (long time ago now lol) Recovery was quite a long process then but things have changed. It should definitely improve her shoe choices.


Thanks for taking time to read my blog and share your comments. Have a great day!