Monday, May 8, 2017

Happy Homemaker Monday - May 8, 2017

The weather.....has been beautiful. In the 60s. Almost feels too hot with the sun shining.
Right now I am....still trying to wake up. Haven't been feeling 100% for a couple of days now. quickly the trees grow leaves. As I look out the windows, all I see are trees covered in green leaves. It's beautiful!

I actually returned quite a few books to the library that I knew I wouldn't have time to read. I had ordered many books that I had in my "Want to Read" file that I kept for the past decade. I was able to skim through a lot of them and realize that I had moved onto another season in my life and in homeschooling.

Favorite blog post last week....I didn't have much time to spend readings blogs last week because I spent a lot of time outside the home transporting the girls to various activities and taking Eenie to the emergency clinic and our normal vet for bandage-wrapping issues and complications from it.

By Thursday, it was determined that we would let Eenie's broken scapula heal without a bandage since each wrapping the vet did resulted in some problem. Needless to say, he is doing very well without a bandage and his mood is greatly improved.

Something fun to share....Sophia, Olivia, and I went to the humane society's annual fundraising event yesterday with Danny and Scooby.

Scooby playing a game at the humane society's event.
He had to move the tennis balls to get a treat.
Needless to say, he was very motivated to
get rid of all those tennis balls!

They did very well considering it was the first time that they were around a lot of other dogs, in a building, and around food.

While we at the event, one of the owners brought his dog who rode in a car with attached camper. The dog sat in the car and seemed to enjoy going around.

On the menu for this week....still need to figure this out.

On my to do list....

This week, in addition to homeschooling, there are these activities:

Monday - volunteer at the humane society doing cat socialization, help Olivia with the video she is creating about the humane society for her 4-H project, and take Olivia to gymnastics.

Tuesday - Homeschool co-op for both the girls; and a harp lesson for Sophia. Get supplies for the service projects for the nursing home and humane society (wasn't able to do this last week).

Wednesday - Volunteer at the nursing home. They are ordering in Chinese food. Sophia and Olivia will bring some of the items they have from China to show the seniors. Mary B. here in the afternoon.

Thursday - No place to go!! Focus on homeschooling and cleaning.

Friday - Annual homeschooling testing in the morning, volunteer in the early afternoon at the humane society (Sophia plays the harp and Olivia and I pet the dogs and cats), and get our Blue Apron delivery.

Saturday - Olivia and I are taking a Saori weaving class at the annual sheep and llama festival. Will be seeing some friends from 4-H there who are interested in fiber arts.

Saori loom.

Sunday -  Mother's Day. May do something in the morning...not sure. In the afternoon, Sophia, Olivia, and I will be taking a class at the sheep and llama festival about how to make a Sami bracelet.

Example of Sami bracelets.

In the craft basket....didn't have time this past week to work on anything. This upcoming week, I'll be doing weaving and bracelet making.

Looking forward to this week....the two classes at the sheep and llama festival, and being able to do something creative with both girls.

Looking around the house....things are coming together. Got the grass mowed yesterday, the bathroom tub tile and floors steam-cleaned on Friday afternoon, and the rest of the bathroom cleaned yesterday. Dishes are all washed. Laundry done.

Still working on different areas of the home that I want to simplify and clean. My goal is to have the house Spring-cleaned by Memorial Day.

From the camera...Sophia is working on a quilt for one of her 4-H projects. She has all the blocks sewn. The next step is to sew the blocks together and then cut the ends so they are even.

She will have a long-arm quilter do the actual quilting of the top/batting/backing since we don't have a long-arm quilting machine.

We are excited to see what the final quilt will look like.

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  1. Hope you start to feel better! Cute dogs, I bet it was fun to watch that dog in the car. Not sure how you keep up with such busy weeks, hope you have a great one!

  2. The dog in the car with the camper is so cute! Have a great week, hope you feel better soon.

  3. Beautiful quilt! And what fun to take a weaving class, I'm so jealous!

    The Humane society event looked like a lot of fun.

    Feel better and have a GREAT week.

  4. Sorry you haven't been feeling well, I hope you're not coming down with something.

    Hope your doggie feels better. Have a great week.

  5. Hope you feel better soon! That 4H project looks good!! Can't wait to see the finished product!! Have a great week!

  6. Hope you're not sick.
    That weaving class looks fascinating! You guys are always doing such interesting and fun things...even when you're not feeling up to par.
    Sophie's quilt looks great. Hope we get an after picture! :)


Thanks for taking time to read my blog and share your comments. Have a great day!