Monday, May 1, 2017

Happy Homemaker Monday - May 1, 2017

The weather.....has dipped to the 30s and 40s with quite a bit of rain. There are puddles everywhere.

The flowers are liking the rain, though. They are so bright on these overcast days.

Right now I am....thinking about the visit to the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center earlier this morning. Sophia, Olivia, and I took a bunny that we found to the Center.

Apollo...the bunny who managed to escape.

Unfortunately, Cooper found the rabbit's nest in the woodpile and destroyed the other bunnies. This one hopped away and, thankfully, we found it. The girls named it Apollo.

The girls outside the center with Apollo.

While we were there, another woman brought in a nest of mice - probably six or seven she thought. Another woman brought in a bucket full of ducklings that had fallen into a water sewer (I think it's the kind in the city where water drains and travels below the roads).

Super cute ducklings that came in right after Apollo did.

Thinking....about the huge limb that came down on the oak tree by the driveway this morning.

The picture doesn't adequately capture the size of the
part of the tree that fell down this morning.
It's puzzling because sections of the tree are black -
almost like it was hit by lightening at some point.

It's always something, it seems.

still working on books that I started last week: Choose Peace and Happiness, The Man Who Planted Trees, Unlikely Angel, and Debt-Free Living.

On my TV.....not much. Have been doing more reading than watching t.v. during the past week and taking care of Eenie (who broke his scapula last Monday afternoon).

Eenie resting on Sunday, April 30th

Favorite blog post last week....I wrote about Resting and Creating Margins in Homeschooling and Life. It was a theme that came up in the homeschooling conference I attended that I reflected on more this past week.

Something fun to share....we have wrens that return each year and spend time in the apple tree and pine tree by the backyard.

On Saturday, I heard the familiar song of the wrens. They had returned. One flew right to where I normally put the wren house.

This is the double-decker wren house.
There is one opening on the side and one on the front.
There are never two families who nest at the same time.
It just gives two options for a place to build a nest.

Went down the hobby shed and got it to hang back up.

I wonder if it was one of the wrens who has lived here before looking for his or her home.

On the menu for this week....tonight we are having homemade meatball sandwiches. Beyond that...I don't know off-hand. I pulled recipes for the week, but don't in what order I'm going to make them.

On my to do list....

This week, in addition to homeschooling, there are these activities:

Monday - take Eenie to the vet for a check on his wrapping for his shoulder; bring the bunny to the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center; take the girls to the library to pick up books about Greece and Egypt; pick up Eenie; and take Olivia to gymnastics.

Tuesday - Homeschool co-op for both the girls; and a harp lesson for Sophia. While the girls are at the co-op, go shopping to get supplies for the 4-H meeting as well as service projects for the nursing home and humane society. Also need to get a few groceries, make color copies for the girls' Festival of Nations presentations on Thursday for 4-H, and return books to the library that I forgot to bring back yesterday. Take all four dogs in to have their nails clipped.

Wednesday - No place to go!! Mary B. here in the afternoon.

Thursday - 4-H Day: banner committee meeting, club meeting, and digital scrapbook committee meeting.

Friday - Olivia has speech therapy and a gymnastics lesson. Appointment in the afternoon for tile and grout cleaning.

Saturday - No place to go!! Just make items for the bake sale for Sunday.

Sunday -  Go to the humane society's annual fundraiser; and bring items we baked. The proceeds raised will help support the humane society's programs and services helping animals waiting to be adopted.

In the craft basket....nothing that I'm actively working on at the moment. Lots of projects that I'd like to finish, though.

Looking forward to this week....a full day at home on Wednesday and Saturday. I'm not feeling 100%, so it will be good to have at least two out of seven days at home.

Looking around the house....there are things here and there that I need to put away. Felt stuck to the bed last week with Eenie recuperating. He wanted to rest on the bed on his special blanket. The vet said today that he is doing very well. He did two walking laps around the surgical room, in fact.

Although he does have a slight limp, he's doing remarkably well considering the type of injury he had. So, it was worthwhile to rest and sit by him while he was healing (and will continue to heal over the next few weeks).

From the camera...

One of the tulips that's by the back door.

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  1. What an adorable picture of Eenie - I hope he's doing ok. One of our favorite books when we were studying Egypt was Mara, Daughter of the Nile by Eloise Jarvis McGraw. It was one of the selections in the Sonlight curriculum. Have a great week.

  2. It does look like the tree was hit by lightning, strange.

    How sweet of the girls to rescue the rabbit and what a cute name, Apollo :)

    Hope you have a wonderful week ahead.

  3. We found baby rabbits in the fire pit when we were getting ready to burn. I think they are gone, but I'm still afraid to burn now!

  4. Lovely post! Glad Eenie is doing well with recovery. :)

  5. Sounds like we are getting similar weather. That kitty looks so snuggly! Hope the recovery is going well and you are enjoying your Wednesday!

  6. I love ALL your cute animal photos! I'm running so late this week - hope you had a GREAT one.


Thanks for taking time to read my blog and share your comments. Have a great day!