Wednesday, April 5, 2017

The Simple Woman's Daybook - April 5, 2017

For Today...

Looking out my window...the sun is starting to come up. I can hear birds singing, but not see them yet.

The northern magnolia has buds on it.
Soon there will be fragrant white flowers.

I am thinking...about the weird noise in the pasture this morning around 4:50 a.m. as I was letting the dogs outside. I've never heard it before (it was from some type of wild animal).

Even though we have a fenced-in backyard, I put Scooby (who is only in the 35-pound range) on a leash. I would rather play it safe than deal with unknown wildlife in the dark.

I am thankful...for warmer weather. Being able to have the windows open and hear the frogs singing in the pond is wonderful. The horses enjoy running and playing in this type of weather.

Bailey in the pasture.

One of my favorite this time of the year - the birds migrating north. Heard the first loon coming back and flying overhead.

Saw this loon on June 5, 2013, in Grand Marais.

There was a large group of red-winged blackbirds in the east pasture sitting in the trees. By the sound of it, there had to be at least 50 birds.

I am creating...a Christmas table runner and flannel quilt.

Part of the Christmas table runner.

Just need to finish the blanket-stitched border on the table runner, hand sew the opening on the quilt (where the pins are in the picture below), and do the ties on the quilt.

Part of the flannel quilt.

Bought some brown yarn at the store yesterday. Normally I'm not a huge fan of the color brown, but this quilt is so comforting and warm. The quilt top was done by someone else. I bought it for a couple of dollars at a quilt show where people were getting rid of their unfinished projects they no longer wanted.

I am wearing...a fleece pullover, shorts, and socks.

I am reading...The Animal Dialogues still. Need to finish it this week and get it back to the library. Ordered some other books that have come in that I want to start reading:
=> Kitchen Table Wisdom
=> You're Fifty - Now What? (a finance book)
=> Home Grown - Adventures in Parenting off the Beaten Path
=> Mei Mei (has pictures of children in Chinese orphanages)

I am hoping...that I can keep pace with going through my homeschooling files this month as part of the Blogging from A to Z Challenge.  Each day I'm going through files that start with a different letter of the alphabet. I'm tossing what I no longer want or need and keeping what I do.

For the files I'm keeping, I'm creating a calendar on Blogger for looking at information at a later date and doing what's in them. In that way, once I'm done with a project and/or the photocopies, I can recycle more paper and create additional room in my home office.

I am learning...a lot about PSEO courses for juniors and seniors who are in high school; and how they can take college courses at no cost while getting both high school and college credit.

Listened to a presentation from Crown College on Tuesday morning that will be offering PSEO courses at the homeschool co-op that the girls attend. Sophia is thinking about taking two courses. She wanted to do three, but I think that's rather ambitious given her other commitments.

In my kitchen...we continue to use up things we have on hand and only purchase what we need. It's been so nice to get rid of containers of food and have more space in the cupboards, refrigerator, and freezer.

Taco Pockets that we I made last week.
Everyone liked them and wants to have them again.

In the school room...the girls continue to use the Heart of Dakota curriculum for several of their core courses. They also use Sonlight for its literature program since they enjoy the books and reading. We're using Math-U-See for Pre-Algebra and Algebra.

Sophia is doing Apologia's biology this year while Olivia finished its chemistry program. Sophia wants to continue with Apologia and Olivia wants to go back to Elemental Science.

So, it's kind of a hodge-podge of curriculum.

In my garden...things are starting to come up: strawberries, rhubarb, tulips, and lilies. We may get some of the root vegetables planted during the upcoming week - like carrots, beets, and onions.

The first rhubarb leaf of the season is emerging.

Board room...I can't believe that Easter is right around the corner. On my Pinterest board for Easter there are a lot of ideas I want to try at some point - crafts, food, and home décor mostly.

A long time ago, I pinned images of Easter angels.

Sophia was playing the harp at the nursing home and they had referred to the event on their calendar as Angelic Harp music. It was right before Easter, so I looked for angels and Easter. Was surprised to see so many images.

Post Script...also on my Easter Pinterest board was the following image:

I especially like the advice of being a good listener and spending time in nature.

Shared Quote...from my Words to Live By board on Pinterest:

A moment from my day...I'm going through photos that belonged to my parents, and dividing them up for my sister, brother, and me. Came across this picture of my Dad with Sophia and Colton (my nephew) from probably more than a decade ago.

My Dad, Sophia, and Colton.

Those smiles and glazed eyes look like a couple of kids had a bit too much sugar! My Dad loved ice cream and ice cream sundaes. It's no surprise that the ice cream is right by him.

Closing Notes....thank you for coming by and visiting.


Thanks for taking time to read my blog and share your comments. Have a great day!