Saturday, April 15, 2017

Saving Money and Being Frugal - Week in Review - April 8th-14th

Here's what the week from April 8th-14th looked like:

Progress on Financial Goals I Set for this Week

Last week, I set three main goals and two sub-goals to work on. This is how I did:

- Check to see if the beneficiary information on all insurance contracts; and investment and retirement accounts are updated. I didn't do this.

- Pick up the taxes from the accountant and then meet with the financial planner (in the same office) to do the following two things:

(1) Make a deposit into two Roth IRAs; and

(2) Help Sophia and Oliva set up their first mutual funds/Roth IRAs after meeting with a financial advisor.

I picked up the taxes and had them electronically filed. The majority of the refunds for federal and state taxes will be used to pre-pay estimated taxes for 2017. The rest of the refund for federal taxes will be invested in an IRA.

An appointment is scheduled for Monday at 4:15 p.m. with the financial planner who will have all the paperwork set up for the IRAs.

- Read Financial Peace Revisited by Dave Ramsey. I did this and wrote a blog post with notes about what I wanted to remember and do.

Progress on Blog Goals I Set for this Week

- Write information that I want to remember from "The Retirement Catch-Up Guide - 54 Real-Life Lessons to Boost Your Future Resources Now."

Wrote a post about this book and another book about investing when you're in your 20s and 30s.

Even though I'm past that point by 2-3 decades, I'm thinking about Sophia and Olivia.

- Continue to work streamlining and organizing our home by doing Weeks 13 and 14 of the 52 Weeks to an Organized Home. This didn't happen yet again. It was a busy week and my focus was to do the decluttering of files as part of the Blogging from A to Z Challenge.

- Write an update about 40 Bags in 40 Days about Days 30-40. Wrote a post about the conclusion of the challenge and how we got rid of 59 bags of trash, recycling, or donated items during a 40-day period.

- Make natural Vapor Rub using essential oils. Did not have a chance to do this.

- Write information that I want to remember from "Financial Peace Revisited." Wrote a post on April 11th about this book.

- Make Citrus Dusting Spray. Didn't make this.

- Write information that I want to remember from "How to Retire the Cheapskate Way." Wrote a post about this book on April 13th.

Smart and Not-so-Smart Purchases

- We underestimated the amount of powdered sugar and baking powder that we had on hand and needed for recipes. So, instead of being able to purchase it inexpensively where we normally shop, we had to go to the corner supermarket since we are about 14 miles (one way) from the larger grocery stores.

- Went to the Dollar Tree for some of the gifts for the Easter baskets.

- Limited gifts in Easter baskets to five per person (with several coming from the Dollar Tree). Aimed for practical gifts that could be used rather than luxury items.

Frugal Meals

- Ate leftovers for four out of seven dinners this past week. Rather than making food and not eating all of it, we are reducing food waste which is good.

What was on the table for dinner last week:

Saturday - Leftovers.

Sunday  - Parmesan crusted chicken with fettucine and roasted broccoli (Blue Apron meal)

This is the dinner I made. This is half of what was prepared.
It is supposed to serve only two people.
For us, this represents 4 different meals
(each one being a 1/2 chicken breast, and
1/4 of the noodles and broccoli).

Monday - Leftovers.

Tuesday - Tacos.

Wednesday - Leftovers.

Thursday - Leftovers.
Friday - Hot dogs and/or some shepherd's pie from Trader's Joe that came in the Fare for All pack this past month. The shepherd's pie was enough for two servings, so we supplemented it with other items.

My financial goals for this week:

- Meet with a financial advisor on Monday; and set up Sophia's and Oliva's first mutual funds/Roth IRAs.

- Check to see if the beneficiary information on all insurance contracts; and investment and retirement accounts are updated.

- Pay cash for all expenses at homeschool conference. Carefully consider new curriculum purchases.

Blog as it relates to saving money and home organization:

Since the majority of the week I'll be at a homeschool conference, the only realistic goal is to:

- Continue to do the Blogging from A to Z Challenge (letters O-S) and decluttering homeschool files.

*Part of Financially Savvy Saturdays on brokeGIRLrich.*


  1. So many good books I want to read! I think I will start with 52 Weeks to an Organized Home. We are about five years from Retirement, and I'd love to get a jumpstart on decluttering the house before we actually decide to downsize.

  2. We've been eating more leftovers these days. It's much easier when evenings are so busy with ball practice!

  3. Very good post! I found you through Strangers and Pilgrims link up, and I am enjoying your writing. On a funny note, the Jeff Yeager book you read, I'm in it! Well, the quote about getting smarter is anyway! I'm also mentioned in his book, The Cheapskate Next Door. I tell people I'm the most famous unknown person in town.


Thanks for taking time to read my blog and share your comments. Have a great day!