Thursday, April 6, 2017

Forests, Foxes, and Frogs - Blogging from A to Z Challenge

This year for the Blogging from A to Z challenge, I'm focusing on going through my homeschooling files that I've created from the time that Sophia and Olivia were in preschool.

Some of the files are still relevant while others I will be decluttering and recycling in the process. Each day during April, I will pick one of the files to focus on - either doing a hands-on activity or sharing some information from one of the files.

For the sixth day - Letter F - I am focusing on Forests, Foxes, and Frogs.



Headed to Loon Island at Lake Shetak State Park.
(Taken on June 9, 2012.)

Here are some facts that I found interesting about forests and Lyme disease (spread by the bite of an infected deer tick which lives in forests):
- Data shows that 46% of bird species are dependent on young forests, such as golden-winged warblers and American woodcocks. In contrast, only 27% of bird species are dependent upon mature forests.
- Aspen is the most abundant deciduous tree in Minnesota.
- Not all people bitten by a deer tick will get Lyme disease. If a deer tick is infected, it must be attached for at least 24-48 hours before it can transmit Lyme disease. It can affect humans, dogs, cats, cattle, and horses.



(Taken on December 7, 2012.)

- They are the smallest members of the dog family.
- About 20 kinds of foxes live around the world.
- The red fox (which lives in Minnesota) has a white tip on its tail.



Northern Leopard Frog.
(Taken on April 30, 2011.)

- Amphibians, because of their biological make-up and where they live, can serve as early warning indicators of problems in our environment.
-  Amphibians are most active when air temperatures are 60-80 degrees Fahrenheit and particularly during rainy weather.
- Minnesota wetlands are home to 14 species of amphibians, the most common of which is the Northern Leopard Frog. They are green or brown-spotted creatures that are also known as Grass Frogs since they are commonly found some distance from water in grassy places such as lawns and parks.
- A female frog can lay as many as 6,500 eggs in the spring.
- By the 14th week of life, froglets can breathe air and leave the water.


In the process of going through the files that began with "F," I recycled 1 more bag of papers. That makes 8 bags that I have recycled from April 1st until today.


  1. I didn't know a fox could be this handsome. And the frog is quite elegant - a prince waiting for a kiss?

  2. Forests, foxes, and frogs--all wonderful things. Good to know about the ticks and Lyme disease, we have tons of ticks here in Sweden. And I love the croaking sounds frogs make. Very soothing! :)

    A to Z 2017: Magical and Medicinal Herbs

  3. I know we have foxes all over here in Pennsylvania, but I rarely see them. We're always excited when we spot one.

  4. The fox is so cute! I love foxes. :D And it's so cool the way frog is blended in. Great pics and informative post!

    Today's A-to-Z Post

  5. How are the frogs doing in Minnesota? I'm guessing that is where you are from since it was referenced a few times?


Thanks for taking time to read my blog and share your comments. Have a great day!