Thursday, March 2, 2017

The Simple Woman's Daybook - March 2, 2017

For Today...

Looking out my window...I'm enjoying seeing grass and no snow. Spring is definitely around the corner.
A view to the northwest.

I am thinking...about the 40+ trumpeter swans that we saw on the St. Croix River on Monday. We crossed the bridge between Minnesota and Wisconsin four times that day and each time they were there. They are such beautiful birds.

I am thankful...that the veterinarian was able to get Cooper in on Monday since he had been licking the carpal pad near his right dew claw over the weekend. They found that he had a small puncture wound and the skin was starting to turn pink where he had been licking.

He has two medicines that he has to take - one orally and one topically. He was wearing the "cone of shame" because it was still bothering him even with the medicine. When he leaves the wound alone and during the night, the cone is off.

One of my favorite, undeveloped space for wildlife. I like knowing that the majority of the land we have (about ten acres - which is a small hobby farm) can be enjoyed by wildlife.

I am creating...two pillowcases. Both of them will be entered into the county fair in August.

I'm getting a head start on doing some projects this year rather than waiting until the summer. Have been enjoying crafting again after taking a break for a while.

I am wearing...comfortable clothes since I'm at home.

I am reading...a book I got earlier this week from the library, A Thomas Jefferson Education. I have the companion book as well.

I heard someone refer to it at a homeschool conference a couple years ago. Read a bit about the educational philosophy online and wanted to learn more.

I am hoping...that I can reach the goals I have set for the next 40 days in terms of decluttering (40 bags in 40 days) and letter writing (40 notes in 40 days).

I am to better balance my time so that volunteering doesn't consume as much time as has in the past at the expense of things I enjoy doing and people with whom I want to spend time.

In my kitchen...I'm using up what I have on hand which is a good feeling.

Olivia with a salmon burger.
We have quite a few of these in the freezer
from Fare for All.

My goal is to greatly reduce the items in the cupboards, freezers, and refrigerator before the summer so that all new produce can be preserved (frozen and canned) to enjoy during the upcoming year.

In the school room...I had Sophia do a career test to determine what her areas of interest are and what a possible educational/career direction she could take. It was a very comprehensive test - 44 pages in all - that revealed information and a direction that she can use.

One of Sophia's strengths and interest areas is animal care.
Here she is with Danny on the day we adopted
him and his brother (Scooby) in January 2017.

She was happy she took the test (as was I) to help her focus on what classes to take, volunteering to do, and leadership roles she should take on.

In my garden...everything is uncovered in the vegetable gardens. Nothing is up yet since it is still too cold. The flower (perennial) gardens have straw over them still. The butterfly garden is needing a major overhaul this year. I'm hoping to get the little pond and waterfall working again. It was nice seeing the birds drinking from the waterfall and the butterflies sunning themselves on the rocks.

Board room...I was looking at my St. Patricks' Day board on Pinterest and saw the idea for gifts in a mason jar. I have the whole month to look for green and Irish-theme items. It would be a nice surprise for everyone on St. Patrick's Day.

Post Script...with the weather getting warmer, I'm looking forward to having some picnics outside before the mosquitoes are out. Found this pretty table setting on Pinterest which I'd enjoy sitting at any day:

There's just something so peaceful, elegant, and inspiring about that table.

Shared Quote...this quote is a good reminder and something to reflect upon:

A moment from my day...on Tuesday, I take the girls to the homeschool co-op and Sophia to harp lessons.

It's also a day for doing errands which I try to group as much as I can on one day.

Amongst all the driving, there is a lot of time for me to enjoy what I see around me on the rural roads - like cows in the pasture (see photo above).

The larger ponds and lakes are starting to open up now. Things are still shades of brown, for the most part. It's kind of a dull period of the year with such dismal colors. Yet, the absence of snow makes for easier days - in terms of driving and errands.

Closing Notes....thank you for coming by and visiting.


  1. So much going on, as usual. Glad Cooper is in the cone for a while, though. Even if they don't know it's for their own good. Hope he's better really soon. :)

  2. What "career test" did you use? My children could use some direction in that area/ Thank you!

  3. Thank you, Ann for posting your daybook!

  4. Thanks, Rita. Yes, Cooper is doing better. His wound is almost healed now (it's March 9th).

    Jean, we used Career Direct. Here's the link: . We chose the educational test since that helps a teen decide what classes and experiences would be most beneficial.

    You're welcome, Peggy. Thank you for hosting the link-up.


Thanks for taking time to read my blog and share your comments. Have a great day!