Thursday, March 30, 2017

Nature Journal Entries in March: Overview, Chronological, Sandhill Cranes, Spring Peeper Frogs, and Killdeer

This year, I set the goal of doing two entries in my nature journal each month. This month, I exceeded the goal by doing four entries.

During March I tried some new ways to do nature journaling for two of my entries. I enjoyed this way of journaling a lot and plan to do it again this year.

The first way is an overview of the month. Each of the boxes is colored in with a different color Prismacolor color pencil and then decorated around the border with a Prismacolor marker.

The second way is a chronological list of different highlights from the month. I thought that if I would have this by my bed that I would write what I saw each day in the nature journal. It didn't quite work out that way. I think I need to develop that practice more if I'm going to do it again.

The third nature journal uses a postcard featuring three sandhill cranes. I've been seeing and hearing a lot of sandhill cranes, so I wanted to create a page about them.

The fourth entry focused on two sounds I heard on March 27th around the pond on our farm: Spring Peeper Frogs and Killdeer (the largest type of plover). I had run out of space on the chronological list, yet wanted to document these seasonal markers.

Although I didn't do this entry in my nature journal, I did do an online post about zoo animals. The Handbook of Nature Study profiled ten animals. Many were ones that we have seen during the past ten years. So, I included photos of the animals that we saw at zoos, sanctuaries, or in the wild.

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Thanks for taking time to read my blog and share your comments. Have a great day!