Monday, March 13, 2017

Happy Homemaker Monday - March 13, 2017

The weather.....back to being chilly again.

Looking out the second floor to the north.
We have snow again.

It was only 9 degrees on Saturday morning and in the teens and low 20s for most of the weekend.

Looking towards the west.

That's quite a drop from the upper-50 degree temperatures we were having a week or so ago.

Looking towards the southeast.

Sunday afternoon the visibility was limited to about a half mile to mile.

A field about two miles from where we live.

The sky was a dismal gray.

The snow was covering the roads, yards, and fields; and blowing all over. The roads were slick as the snow continued to fall.
Right now I am....taking a break from reading and doing work around the house. I'm hoping that today Cooper doesn't have to wear the Cone of Shame.

Danny, Scooby, Cooper, and Aspen by the gate.

He had a puncture wound to his carpel pad that he's been taking medicine for; and the cone helps prevent him from licking and prolonging the healing process.

Thinking....about how well the 4-H club's Junior Wildlife Bowl team did on Saturday at the regional competition. They won all four rounds they competed in and were in first place at the end of the day. They will be advancing to the State Project Bowl in April!

The Junior Wildlife Bowl team and Sophia (the coach).

I'm very proud of Olivia who studied for the past 2 1/2 months in preparation for the competition; and for Sophia who coached the team.

The Art of Exceptional Living by Jim Rohn. Actually, it's on a's the only way I could check it out of the library.

On my TV.....I am looking forward to watching Speechless, Fresh Off the Boat, Modern Family, Gray's Anatomy, Goldbergs, and Black-ish.

Favorite blog post last week (mine or other)....One Hundred Dollars a Month had an interesting post about the progress on her 12 goals in 2017.  She has a nice combination of financial and personal goals for this year.

Something fun to share....At the Wildlife Project Bowl, there was a lot of information that the youth had to know. For example, one of the questions Olivia was asked was, "What is a group of otters called?" The answer....a romp.

Blog hopping (newly discovered blog)....Simple Homeschool has several authors and a wide variety of articles about keeping homeschooling simple. The goal is to bring the joy back into homeschooling by simplifying your life with your family.

On the menu for this week....we are continuing to use up what we have on hand which has been working out well. We are eating leftovers so that no food goes to waste.

Hopefully by the time that the CSA starts and farmers markets are in full swing, we'll have a lot of space in the refrigerator and freezer. If we do, we can enjoy more produce and have room to store canned and frozen goods.

On my to do addition to homeschooling:

Monday- Sophia and I do our first volunteering one-on-one session with cats at the humane society where she plays the harp.

Flame is one of the cats we may be
spending time with tomorrow.

Olivia has her first gymnastics lesson later that afternoon. She's been wanting to do gymnastics for a long time now. Am hoping that she enjoys it and is able to progress more quickly so she can join other girls her age.

Tuesday - homeschool co-op for both the girls and harp lessons (Sophia). Remember a senior friend who died one year ago today; and send an email to his son letting him know I'm thinking of him and his family.

Bring in three sensory lap-size quilts that I made for seniors who have Alzheimer's Disease or dementia (which he had) and who are at the nursing home where we volunteer and where our senior friend lived.

Wednesday - Work on 40 Bags in 40 Days and 52 Weeks to an Organized Home; make some essential oil blends; and maybe go to a class at the bead store about how to make a leather riveted bracelet.

Thursday - Pick up t-shirts for the 4-H club. Help the girls get Certificates of Deposit with money they've been saving. Go to the Minnesota Zoo with our 4-H club.

Musk ox at the Minnesota Zoo.

We're going on a behind-the-scenes tour in the afternoon that we're looking forward to; and also learning about exhibit design, animal enrichment, and zoo careers.

Friday - Olivia has speech therapy. Also want to start updating the Barn Quilt Trail website, schedule the car for repair the heating, and book a few days in June or August in a camper cabin in southern Minnesota where there's a couple of caves to explore as well as Amish farms to visit.

Saturday - Do some crafting for the county fair.

Sunday - Wash the basement walls. Go through boxes of photos and choose which ones to keep.

In the craft basket....still working on projects I've been wanting to do for a couple of weeks now, like the potholders, Christmas table runner, and flannel quilt. Am hopeful that I will be able to complete them this week.

Looking forward to this week....going to the Zoo and seeing the variety of animals that are there. Also am very interested in going on the behind-the-scenes tour.

Looking around the house....I'm seeing a lot that I want to clean and pick up this week. Having both Friday and Saturday booked with the funeral, volunteering, and then traveling to the regional Project Bowl on Friday plus being at the competition for about ten hours on Saturday took quite a bit of time away from home. Maybe I can get caught up this week.

From the camera....a couple of weeks ago there were buds on the trees. It looked like we'd get an early spring.

On Sunday, snow starting falling in the late-afternoon. The buds of the Northern Magnolia bush were covered with a dusting of snow.

Hopefully the snow melts this week; and we have some of the warmer weather back.

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  1. Brrr, too much snow and frosts for March :) Here, in Hungary, we have spring on the way, with snowdrops flowering everywhere
    Have a nice day with the cats! the onw you show is so beautiful!

  2. Congrats to the Wildlife team for their big win! That's awesome!!
    We've had the same up here in the Northwoods- thinking Spring thoughts and then the snow comes to visit again. Gggrrr! Hopefully we'll still get our early Spring and it wont's stick around.

    Sounds like you have a busy week too. Hope it's a good one! xoxo

  3. What a pretty photo of the magnolia bud covered in snow. Sounds like you have a very busy week ahead. Hope it is a good one for you!

  4. Busy week you have! We woke to snow this morning as well, but much more than you. We are still under a winter advisory until tomorrow, but I am hoping we have seen the last of the snow! Have a great week!

  5. Sounds very busy and happy your way. :) Stay warm!

  6. Congratulations to the 4-H Club Team! I clicked over to One Hundred Dollars a Month; great blog, thanks for sharing. Have a great week!

  7. I'm loving your snow! It is stinking hot here in Oz - looks like autumn is still along way off!

  8. Stopping by as a newbie on Happy Homemaker Mondays, and I'm so happy to meet you! It's always great to meet a new home schooler! Your blog is beautiful and I look forward to following and getting to know you! 4-H is wonderful! Back where we are from it was basically a glorified afterschool group, but now that we have relocated its an awesome group that has tons of opportunities! Nice to meet you!


Thanks for taking time to read my blog and share your comments. Have a great day!